Chapter 16

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Third  Person POV

Its been a month and Hydra is finally satisfied with Maddison's progress. She remembers nothing about her former life, only that her powers will killer. She was told to not use her powers  because it will only speed up the time she has left to live. They trained her in hand to hand combat, although she was already good. She trained with the Winter Soldier, they became partners. After all the training, brainwashing, and torture she is finally going on a mission. But she's going by herself. Her mission is to kill the Avengers.

 Stark Towers hasn't been the same since Maddison was captured. Tony stayed in the basement and never came up. Bruce was in and out of the Lab with Abigail trying to find a cure for Maddison. They knew that she will be back and they wanted to be ready. 

Remember Nick? Maddison's former bodyguard? Yeah he was called in after Natasha told Tony that Maddison was missing. But he didn't bother staying because mourning wont do him any good. Plus Maddison would kick his ass if she knew he was. 

Natasha and Clint went on missions and tried to find leads on Maddison but as usual, no luck. Thor was going back and forth from Asgard to Earth, he honestly didn't know what to do. 

And Steve? Steve was broken. He didn't know what to do. He felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest like the time Maddison died. But he had to stay strong because he was the leader of the Avengers and he had to stay strong for Artemis. She doesn't know whats going on but she knows that  her mom is gone. She misses her mom so much.

S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't any better. Fury blamed himself for Maddison being captured. He knew that Hydra was going to come back, and he thought he had everything planned out. But they were two steps ahead of him. He didn't sleep much but when he did it was only from him passing out from drinking too much. 

Everyone was affected by Maddison and everyone loved her.

No one really expected to see her this soon though. No one knew it yet but Maddison was right outside Stark Towers waiting for her orders to proceed. 

This was just a filler chapter!! Sorry! The action starts in the Next chapter!! :D

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