Chapter 29: Homebound

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I'm sat on the plane I have two seats to myself and I feel safer and a little less stressed knowing that I'm going back home.

Sophie's POV:

I step off the plane and into the Sydney airport. I call my old foster mum to explain everything, but I stop mid-sentence when I see Michael standing near the baggage claim carousel.

"I have to go...Michael is here."

"He came to see me this morning...I'm going to see the agency now to see what happened. I'll call you later."

"Ok thank you so much."

I hang up and run into Michael's arms, he spins me around, kissing me on the lips.

"Don't ever run away from me again, got it?"

"I ran back to you, not away..."

"At least you're back now...I'm never gonna let you go again."

"Thanks Mikey..."

I hug him and over his shoulder I see my bag come through the flaps. I let go and go grab it.

"Ok...we can go now."

He leads me outside where I see his mum standing beside a car. We walk to it, he lifts my bags into the boot and jogs around to open my door before sitting down in the passenger seat himself. Once we're buckled in and on our way home he turns in his seat to look back at me.


I'm laying on Michael's bed waiting for him to come back with some snacks for us. I think of everything that's happened to me in my life, and how much I love Mike. I'm still underage sexually for a year, but I'm no virgin. And that's not my fault, so even if I wanted to give myself to guy...maybe the future, it will be special because it's the first time I get to choose what happens. But it won't be the first time I've experienced it. What is it about me that makes people like my dad and Anthony do this to me? I want to tell Michael about yesterday when Anthony dragged me away...I just don't know how. I feel the bed dip and smell fresh cookies, so I roll over and see Mikey sitting on the edge of the bed with a tray of chocolate chip cookies.

"You like chocolate chip, right?"

"Course. Who doesn't?"


He places the tray on his bedside table and crawls over to me. He kisses my lips softly before feeding me a cookie.

"My foster mum called before...she said she can come and pick me up in an hour or so. I'm moving back in with her, there was a mix up. I wasn't supposed to go to Japan, the agency gave her money to pay you back for the plane ticket you bought me. And I might be coming back to school soon."

He kisses me again but this time it turns into a make out session. Once he pulls away for a breath he rests his forehead on mine. We stare into each other's eyes.

"So you have to go home tonight? There isn't a way that you could possibly stay here with me?"

"Nice try, Mike. I'm going home in two hours."

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