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Alexandra Zastrod born in Albuquerque, New Mexico but moved to Mystic Falls, Virginia when she turned twelve years of age along with her parents, it was a sudden move due to a family fight between herself and the family, of course, she was never told why or what the fight was about but perhaps it was for the better.

After two years of living in Mystic Fall peacefully that peace was violently disturbed when her parents were brutally murdered outside their home when they returned from work, Alexandra was inside watching television when her mother's piercing scream alerted not just her but the entire neighbourhood, the police were called but they were pronounced dead on the scene.

The Family Across the street known as the Gilbert's offered to watch over Alexandra and offered a place for her to stay until she was ready to face the world on her own, knowing she was set for life with the life insurance she was bound to get when she turned eighteen, But Alexandra refused to leave the home her parents once lived in with her, she refused to leave those memories behind to live across the street, she would rather live by herself.

Eventually, Alexandra was forced to live with the Gilbert family, thinking she needed her space to get used to the idea that her parents were no longer around, they left her alone to her thoughts and gave her the space they thought she needed, but as the days passed Alexandra quickly became depressed and soon she was sneaking out of the Gilbert residence during the night and soon fell into the wrong crowd before forcefully removing herself from the Gilbert home and going back to her house across the street, that is when she met one of her closest friends, Jayden Lopez.

Jayden Lopez born in Mystic Falls, Virginia never knew his real father because he decided to bail three weeks before he was born with a text to his mother saying, "I'm not ready for that responsibility." before disappearing practically off the face of the earth, for eight years Jayden's mother raised him alone until she remarried a Mafia boss and Jayden's last name became Lopez, Jayden's stepfather is a well-known and feared man in Mexico and South America where he dominates the territory and makes a quick buck by selling drugs to drug addicts.

When Jayden turned thirteen his mother tragically died in a car accident and was pronounced dead on impact, which resulted in Jayden becoming depressed and turning to drugs as an escape, he dropped out of school to avoid everyone only to before to return by his step-father when he learned Jayden was using drugs and buying it from his own men he had stationed in Mystic Falls, Jayden's stepfather continued providing him with drugs knowing damn well what it could do to him, but he wanted Jayden to follow in his footsteps and if it meant giving him drugs as an escape gate then so be it, soon enough Jayden was providing drugs to the kids on school grounds, which quickly earned him a reputation.

It was always clear that Jayden didn't give a shit about school or the grades but if it meant that his stepfather could continue helping him with his addiction, he was willing to suffer a few hours.

It didn't take long before Jayden saw the depressed Alexandra and approached her and offered her some pills to make her feel better, she was an easy target for him but the two quickly bonded over the loss her parents and the death of his mother, as the first year went by Jayden and Alexandra quickly became inseparable, but then they met young fresh out of middle school, Tyler Zoid.

Tyler Zoid born in Mystic Falls, Virginia and raised by his strict parents, which quickly caused young Tyler to rebel against their wishes, when he turned fourteen and was sent to high school he met and quickly befriended Alexandra and Jayden because of their reputation around school, Jayden quickly learned about Tyler's strict parents and decided to provide him with drugs to provoke his parents even more, Tyler accepted the drugs but never used them until a year passed and he finally snapped.

After an argument with his parents about Alexandra and Jayden he stormed to his bedroom slamming the door shut and locking it, spotting the packet of pills he decided it was time to celebrate his upcoming fifteenth birthday, Tyler being the youngest of the trio was always cautions and never overused, he only drank a few pills or snorted a small number of drugs until he thought it was enough, a few months after his fifteenth birthday his parents banned him from attending any sort of formal ball, dance or anything that would put them in a bad light knowing he would cause chaos on purpose.

Due to his strict parents, he hates conflict and becomes scared easily, hence why he never overdoes it with the drugs and alcohol.

Speaking of alcohol, perhaps you should meet the man that provides them with their daily or nightly dose of alcohol, Santino Iglesias.

Santino Iglesias born in Maranello, Italy but moved to America along with his parents at the age of ten, his family is a wealthy bunch and own several businesses across the globe, even though his parents had several different businesses they made sure Santino was given enough attention as a child and as a teenager, he never caused them any trouble and made them proud when he graduated from high school and went to University.

Santino studied for three years to become a doctor before dropping out and moving back to Mystic Falls into his own apartment, but having to explain to his parents why he suddenly didn't want to become a doctor anymore the following day, Santino decided to go out for the night and have some fun and to get drunk, Santino officially met Alexandra the next morning in her bed and ever since that morning they became close.

Friends with benefits close, he soon met Jayden and Tyler, only becoming friends with them to impress Alexandra and get into her good books, he would never admit it out loud in front of anyone or Alexandra herself but he developed strong feelings for Alexandra, he was afraid she would end their bedroom arrangements.

Santino, however, has never taken drugs and doesn't plan on taking drugs either, he also wants Alexandra to stop taking drugs and always made sure she knew about it but she never paid much mind to him, she always offered him thinking he was just stressed because of his current profession, an underwear model, but he always refused.

Which bring us to today,

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