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Chapter warning: character death.

Chapter warning: character death

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1 year & 10 Months later

Las Vegas

It was already dark outside and the streets weren't as busy any more when Alex exits a restaurant and begins making her way home to her flat, after leaving Mystic Falls she had relocated to Las Vegas enrolling herself in a new high school and kept to herself, trying to finish it, so she could apply for university, she had found a witch as well and paid her to cloak her from being found.

As she turns the corner she saw two men leaning against the brick wall of a building trying not to seem suspicious, but they were too quiet, she walks past them only for one of them to appear in front of her, she gasps knowing that this was a vampire.

"Hello there." The vampire greets her, she felt a presence behind her. "We're looking for somebody."

"And you're going to help us." The one behind her says. "We're looking for the Mikaelson's, where are they?"

"How could I know? I haven't seen them." Alex says, trying to put on a brave face, but her heartbeat probably gave away how frighten she actually was.

"We know that you have met them, and we know that you and Elijah were close friends." The vampire says. "You're going to lead us to them."

"And why would I do that?" Alex asks, she had no idea where they were.

"Because you're going to need help." The one behind her says, The vampire bites into his wrists and forces Alex to drink his blood, she struggles against him before his wrist was pulled away from her lips, she was terrified, this isn't what she wanted. "Kill her."

"Listen here, Witch, don't give me orders." The vampire says, he places his hands on the side of her face.

"I won't help you, I would rather die than transform." Alex spits out.

"You'll transform, the hunger would be too much for you." The Witch says.

"I'm going to kill you when I come back!" Alex says loudly, the vampire snaps her neck and drops her body to the ground, she hits the ground with a thud, her lifeless eyes staring up at them.

"Where do we take her?" The vampire asks.

"Nowhere, she'll soon wake." The witch says, but Alex never awoke, as daylight approached they decided to abandon her not realizing what they have done, not realizing the consequences of their actions.


Alex was found on the pavement with her broken neck and police opened an investigation but was compelled to close the case by another vampire working in the police force, a small funeral was held five days after her body was released by an elder woman that nobody seemed to know, But on the 7th day, everything changed.

Alex awoke in her coffin gasping for air before realizing where she was, she slammed her hands against the casket screaming, hoping somebody would hear her, but she was 6 feet under ground, nobody would hear her.

"Help! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Alex screams, tears streamed down her cheeks as she panicked. "I'M ALIVE, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" She was petrified, but suddenly it was bright and the sun was shining against her skin, she looks around her realizing she was standing on top of her own grave a cemetery. "What the fuck?"

"I've been waiting for you." A voice says from behind Alex, Alex spins around to look at the elder woman standing in the shade of a giant tree.

"Who are you? What happened? How did I get here?" Alex asks, her questions almost rushed. "I was just in here."

"Those are a lot of question." Annemarie says. "And they will all be answered."

"Am I dead?" Alex asks, she had to know.

"You did indeed die, my dear." Annemarie confirms, Alex's mouth falls open as she gasps for air, she runs her hand through her hair as fear slowly creep into her.

"Am I a...?" Alex asks, she couldn't say the word, but she had to. "Vampire?" She had to know, Annemarie laughs at her guess.

"Oh, goodness, no." Annemarie says, Alex lets out a sigh of relieve, but if she wasn't a vampire, what was she? "You're much stronger."

"W—what?" Alex asks.

"My name is Annemarie, and I'm here to help you." Annemarie says, Annemarie seemed so calm while Alex was freaking out.

"What am I?" Alex asks. "I was fed vampire blood, my neck was snapped by a vampire, I should be a vampire,or in transition."

"But you are not, you are stronger, you are something that hasn't existed in almost two thousand years, the strongest creature in the world." Annemarie says.

"What am I, Annemarie?" Alex asks again.

"A hybrid." Annemarie answers.

"A what?" Alex asks, the only hybrid she knew about was Klaus. "What kind?"

"The dangerous kind, a demonic yet so angelic, warrior, some would say a god or goddess." Annemarie says.

"You're going to have to be a little more specific." Alex says.

"Oh goodness sake, Alexandra." Annemarie says, she thought she had given it away.

"Uh, just Alex, please." Alex says.

"All right, Alex, you're half angel and half demon." Annemarie says, Alex nods her head.

"I'm a what?"

THE END, For Now...

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