• 17

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"You can all go to hell." Damon spits out while storming out of the Salvatore living room.

"That appears to be my cue to leave," Elijah says. "But before I do take my leave, Do you perhaps know where I can find Ms Alexandra?" Stefan lets out a sigh glanced around the room not sure if he should say something or keep it for himself, Elijah quickly picked up on his behaviour. "Stefan?"

"Last night when Klaus made his move, she had gotten in the way and was knocked into the display case, I took her to the hospital for them to clean her wounds," Stefan says, after the mess that was created in the hallway, Stefan had found Alex lying unconscious on the floor with glass around her and inside of her skin.

"What?" Elena asks, turning to look at Stefan. "Why didn't you say anything? We have to go see if she's all right." Elena goes towards her jacket.

"Do not bother," Elijah says, he knew the history between the two women and decided it might just be better if they avoid each other. "I will go myself."

"Does she...?" Elena asks, curious if the girl across the street knew about the supernatural.

"She does, I suspect that she remembers after my compulsion wore off when I was daggered," Elijah says.

"I left in her int he emergency room, I'm not sure if they had released her yet or not." Stefan states, Elijah nods his head.

"Thank you, Stefan," Elijah says, he leaves the boarding house and makes his way towards the hospital, he enters the hospital and the smell of medicine, death and blood enter his nose. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Ms Payne." He compels the nurse on duty. "Would you mind telling me where I can find her?"

"Ms Payne can be found down the hallway in room B304, Doctors are planning on sending her to rehabilitation this afternoon." The nurse answers him.

"Thank you so much for your help," Elijah says. "Now pay close attention dear, Alexandra Payne has been checked out and was sent to rehabilitation, write that down on her file when you go to clean her room in fifteen minutes." He compels the nurse once again, he walks away from the nurse and down the hallway towards room B304, he slowly opens the door and saw Alex's pale body lying on the bed, morphine being pumped into her bloodstream along with something else.

He closes the door behind him and steps closer towards the bed, picks up her file and reads through it finding that they were keeping her sedated to move her to rehabilitation, he closes the file and puts it back in its place.

"My brother has caused quite a mess for you." Elijah states, he turns the monitors off and removes the needle from her skin, his eyes roaming over the scratches that the glass left on her skin, he brushes a piece of her hair out of her face. "Let me get you out of here."


Elijah walks into her bedroom and carefully lays her down on the bed watching her for a moment before leaving the bedroom, he makes his way downstairs and walks into her kitchen wanting to make himself a cup of tea, he opens cabinet after cabinet only finding liquor in them.

"Mhm." Elijah hums, deciding to see what she had in her fridge, to his surprise her fridge was completely empty, closed the door her goes towards the cabinet he had seen a wine bottle, deciding to pour himself a glass.


Elijah sat on one of the leather armchairs in Alex's bedroom staring out the window, he turns to look towards the bed when he heard her stir, Alex moves her hands to her head and opens her eyes blinking a few times to adjust to the light, a groan of pain leaving her mouth, her eyes catch Elijah sitting on the chair.

"'Lijah?" Alex mumbles, Elijah stood from the chair and speeds towards the bed, slowly sitting down next to her.

"Alexandra, how are you feeling?" Elijah asks, Alex closed her eyes.

"I have a headache, my body feels like it was hit by a boulder," Alex mutters. "What happened?" She opens her eyes to look at him.

"Do you not remember?" Elijah asks, Alex thinks for a moment.

"Last night, I was at school and Alaric's body slammed into me, knocking me into something," Alex says as her memories from the previous night slowly came back. "I remember Elena was there, Bonnie as well." Alex suddenly sits up, her head spinning.

"Careful," Elijah says, gently pushing her back down.

"Bonnie's a witch." Alex states. "I remember everything you told me, everything Damon did to me... Vampires are real, witches and werewolves as well." Alex says, her breathing became short.

"Calm down, take a deep breath," Elijah instructs, Alex takes in a deep breath and blows it out, repeating it a few times. "What else do you remember?"

"A bag..." Alex mumbles before realizing it was her bag. "My bag! Where's my bad?" Alex sits up and begins to climb out of bed.

"I do not know where your bag is, I would have to ask Stefan what he has done with it," Elijah says, Alex looks over her shoulder at Elijah.

"Stefan?" Alex asks. "What exactly happened after...?"

"My brother has made his appearance, and you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, Stefan had found you and had taken you to the hospital," Elijah explains.

"The hospital?" Alex asks. "They didn't see you take me right? If they know that I drink and do drugs, fuck." Alex runs her fingers through her messy hair, feeling the knots in it.

"They were planning on sending you this afternoon," Elijah says. "I arrived at the correct moment otherwise you would have been sent off."

"Thank you." Alex mumbles.

"My pleasure, but I must insist that we do talk about your nasty habits," Elijah says. "I believe it is time for you to stop, Alexandra, you have done enough damage to your body." Alex scoffs at his words.

"You think it's easy to stop?" Alex asks.

"Of course it is not, which is why I have taken it upon myself to help you, but you have to cooperate," Elijah says, Alex moves back onto the bed so she could face him. "I give you my word, I will help you."

"Just... don't compel me because I have no idea what had happened to you, but what if it happens again? I'll just fall back into the same hole." Alex says.

"No compulsion," Elijah says, Alex nods her head.

"Speaking of compulsion, why in the hell did you compel me to forget? I was capable of handling the truth." Alex says.

"I thought it would be better at the time," Elijah says. "I apologize."

"Just don't do it again, unless I ask you to do it," Alex says.

"I give you my word," Elijah says. "Do you perhaps have a spare bedroom for me to stay in for a few days?"

"Yeah," Alex says slowly getting up from the bed, Elijah stood up speeding around the bed to catch her if she did fall. "I'm fine," she mumbles, she walks out of the bedroom and down the hall with Elijah behind her. "Let me show you the other guest room because I'm not sure if Jenna's still here or not." She pushes the door open. "But it's probably the least messy right now." Elijah walks into the room and looks around.

"Thank you," Elijah says.

"I'll be in my room getting out of this hideous hospital gown," Alex mumbles, but quickly stop remembering another time when he had compelled her. "Why did you compel me to trust you?" Elijah looks at her questioning. "At the Salvatore boardinghouse, you compelled me to trust you."

"Would you have come with me willingly?" Elijah asks, Alex tilts her head to the side.

"Well, from where I'm standing it seems like I'm much safer with you than with them."

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