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Alex steps out of the shower wrapping a towel around her body, she looks in the mirror letting out a sigh, she had fallen asleep on the floor next to her bed the previous night and awoke with a sore body and decided she needed a warm shower to try and relax her muscles, she exits the bathroom glancing at the beautiful dress on her bed.

"Am I supposed to return it?" Alex mumbles as she enters her closet, she drops the towel to the floor and puts on a black thong, you're going to return it because he abandoned you for Elena, she thought to herself as she pulls a sports bra over her head, he knows that you two aren't on good terms, could he be doing business with her? She hears a loud knock on her front door. "Ugh, why can't nobody just leave me the fuck alone." She pulls on a pair of short shorts and exits her closet and bedroom going down the stairs, she pulls the door open.

"Good morning, Alexandra." Elijah greets her, a smile on his lips. "Did I interrupt something?" He asks noticing her current choice of clothing.

"No, you didn't," Alex mutters. "Just my thoughts, but they were about you anyway, so why don't you come on in." Alex steps out of the way allowing Elijah to enter her house, Elijah walks into her house and she closes the door. "What brings you here?" Elijah removes his blazer and holds it out for Alex. "I'm fine, thank you."

"Right, of course," Elijah says, he wasn't used to a woman not being ashamed to expose herself. "I came to see if you were all right, you disappeared last night." Alex crosses her arms over her chest.

"I'm surprised you even noticed." Alex states.

"Why would I not notice?" Elijah asks. "You were my date for the evening."

"You ditched me for Elena," Alex says. "You said you would be right back and then I saw you with her." Alex sucks in a deep breath. "But whatever." Alex mumbles.

"Are you jealous of Elena Gilbert?" Elijah asks, Alex wanted to laugh. "Because I can assure you that there is nothing between myself and her."

"Why in hell would I be jealous of a girl that only seems to think of herself? That seems to think the world revolves around her? Why the fuck would I be jealous of the girl that hates me the most?" Alex asks, her voice rising with each word she said. "And even if there was something going on between you and her, it's none of my business."

"Alexandra." Elijah begins.

"But that got me thinking, maybe you and Elena are working together, maybe she asked you to get rid of me," Alex says, paranoia rising. "I know you don't need money and I don't care what she offered you, but whatever it is, go and fucking collect." Alex turns around ready to go upstairs, but in a blink of an eye Elijah stood in front of her, He reaches out for her placing his hand on her cheek caressing it.

"Elena did not ask me to get rid of you, in all honestly, she did not know that we were still speaking with each other," Elijah says. "My mother simply wished to speak with the Gilbert girl in private, and I do not necessarily trust my mother." Elijah's thumb softly runs over her cheek. "Because why would my mother return from the dead and want to reunite our family?"

"You've had years to practice your lying skills, why should I believe that you're telling me the truth right now?" Alex asks, Elijah looks into her eyes.

"Because I would not lie to you." Elijah softly says, Alex takes a step back from Elijah and he removes his hand from her cheek.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe your mother really does want to reunite your family?" Alex asks.

"I highly doubt that," Elijah states, Alex lets out a sigh.

"Whatever, it's not my business," Alex says. "So, thank you for the dress, but you can have it back, last night was truly something to experience."

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