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Waking up the following day on the couch in her living room with the television still on and an empty vodka bottle laid on the floor along with an empty pizza box, she pushes herself up and into a sitting position and rubs her eyes, she picks up the vodka bottle and stares at it for a moment.

"Could've sworn this was full last night," Alex mumbles to herself while placing the bottle back down on the ground, slowly she stood up and walks towards the stairs and grabs onto the railing for support, looking up the stairs she lets out a sigh. "Why did it have to be a two-story house?" Alex asks herself and slowly begins ascending up the stairs, she enters her bedroom and makes her way towards the bathroom to take a shower and wash away yesterdays sorrows.

The warm water rolls down Alex's body as she tries to wake herself up, letting out a sigh she grabs the body wash and slowly begins washing off the stench of sweat and alcohol, once she finished and closed the taps she climbs out of the shower and takes hold of her towel and wraps it around her body, she grabs her hairbrush and brushes the knots out of her hair and styles it for the day, she picks her toothbrush and squeezes some toothpaste onto it and brushes her teeth.

Leaving the bathroom Alex makes her way to her closet and drops the towel by the closet door before stepping into the small walk-in closet, she pulls on some underwear and a sports bra before picking out some black leggings and a grey v-neck shirt, she picks up her towel as she exits the closet and hangs it over the closet door for it to dry throughout the day, she moves towards the end of her bed and sits down on the edge and pulls her boots closer, she pulls them on and zips them before standing up from the bed

"Food." Alex states while exiting her bedroom, she walks down the stairs only to hear her phone ring as she gets to the bottom of the staircase, she lets out a loud groan of displeasure but makes her way into the living room, she bends down in front of the coffee table and picks up her phone and looks at the I.D. "Hello," Alex answers while picking up the television remote.

"Good morning, Alex." Santino's voice greeted her. "I did not think you would be up this early," Santino states, Alex removes the phone from her ear and looks at the time.

"Fuck," Alex whispers before placing the phone back against her ear. "I didn't realize it was six-thirty," Alex says. "Why am I awake this early?" Alex asks herself while turning the television off, she places the remote back down on the coffee table and picks up the empty pizza box and places it underneath her arm, she picks up the empty vodka bottle and walks towards the kitchen.

"I have absolutely no idea, love," Santino says. "But I am not complaining."

"Is there a reason why you're calling me at this hour, Santino?" Alex asks, tossing the vodka bottle in the trashcan.

"I wish to invite you for a walk," Santino says, placing the pizza box on the countertop not wanting to force it into the small trashcan while she was talking on the phone.

"It only depends on where this walk would be... and if you have any food," Alx says.

"I will have breakfast for you and a special coffee," Santino says, Alex smiles knowing what he meant by special coffee.

"All right, Where do I meet you?"


Admiring the view with a cigarette placed between Alex's lips and a takeaway coffee cup filled with coffee and liquor in her hand, Santino stood next to her holding his own cup of coffee with liquor in it.

"We should really come to this place more often," Santino says, Alex removes the cigarette from her lips and blows out the smoke.

"I'm missing school, Santino." Alex states, Santino shrugs his shoulders not thinking much about the situation.

"It's one day..." Santino says. "Besides, it can give us time to study," Santino says, a guy with a guitar sits down next to some plants a few feet from them, it appeared to be his usual place, he begins playing and some people drop a few cents into the guitar case.

"Whatever," Alex says and places the cigarette between her lips before removing it. "Do you have any change? For this guy, he's really good." Alex says, Santino takes out his wallet and drops two dollar bills into the guitar case, the guy gives them a thankful smile while still playing his guitar. "Thank you." Alex mumbles, they walk away from the person as Alex places the cigarette between her lips again.

"You know I only wish you would stop smoking that shit," Santino says, Alex pulls the cigarette from her lips blowing out a puff of smoke in the process.

"I know," Alex says. "But being an addict, it's hard to stop," Alex says, she admitted to herself that she was an addict a long time ago, and stopping when you're addicted to something was hard no matter how much willpower you have.

"I realize it's hard to stop, but perhaps you could keep your distance from Jayden, he's ruining his own life and he is also ruining yours, he's shortening your life with those death sticks and pills," Santino states. "I want you around for a long time, Alexandra, not just until you are 25 or 30," Santino says, Alex bends down to the floor and puts the cigarette out, she stood up and tossed the bud into a nearby trashcan. "He's ruining your life."

"I know how you feel, you've told me a thousand times already," Alex says. "But just for a quick newsflash, Santino, alcohol also shortens your lifespan," Alex states and takes a sip from her coffee before tossing the cup towards the dumpster.

"I know it does, but doing drugs and drinking at the same time... you are playing Russian roulette with your life," Santino says, Alex spins around to walk towards the parking lot only to walk straight into somebody else, the man turns around to face her.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." Alex quickly apologises. "I'm so sorry, I didn't look where I was going."

"It is quite all right, no harm was done." The man says, Alex nods her head not knowing what else to say so she carefully but quickly walks around the man while Santino gives the stranger an awkward smile before following Alex, he rushes to her side.

"I am surprised you did not ask for his number," Santino says, he knew her ways and knew he wasn't the only person pleasuring her but he wanted to be the only person, Alex rolls her eyes at his comment.

"You are so incredibly funny, Santino," Alex says sarcastically. "I'm going home, to study and hopefully be at school tomorrow."

"I'll follow you," Santino says. "Perhaps I can help you study," Santino says, they arrive at her car and she unlocks it.

"Thank you," Alex says giving him a grateful smile, she climbs into her car. "See you at my place." She says and closes the door, she pushes her keys into the ignition and starts the car, she looks up and saw a restaurant's windows shatter, causing chaos. "Not my monkey, not my circus."


"Thank you again for helping me," Alex says while closing her textbook. "You have no idea how much I appreciate it."

"It is no problem, anything to help you," Santino says, Alex places her hand on his knee making him look up at her as she stared at him.

"I mean it, Santino... I appreciate it a lot, you know how much I want to graduate." Alex says.

"I know, that is why I am helping you," Santino says and stood up from the couch, Alex's hand falls to her side. "Do you want some coffee?" Santino asks.

"Special coffee, please," Alex says.

"If you have any liquor in this house," Santino says making his way into the kitchen.

"I think I have some..." Alex trails off not remembering if she had any, she picks up her school bag and places her books back into the bag so she wouldn't forget them at home, she stood up from the couch and walks into the kitchen.

"I found some," Santino says while pouring some whiskey into the mugs.

"Told you I had a little bit lying around," Alex says causing Santino to chuckle.

"I might be staying the night." Santino states. "That is if you do not mind."

"I honestly don't mind."

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