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Alex walks down the stairs towards her front door and pulls it open, a faint smile tug on Alex's lips.

"Elijah, Hi." Alex greets him while stepping aside allowing him to enter. "What's in the box?" She asks noticing the large box in his hands, Elijah steps into her home and closes the door, locking it.

"This is for you," Elijah says, ascending up the stairs.

"For me?" Alex asks, she follows behind him and into her bedroom. "It's not my birthday."

"I know," Elijah says. "This is just a little something." He places the box on her bed, Alex makes her way towards the bed while Elijah turns to face her. "You can open it after you read this." He hands her an envelope.

"A letter? You know you didn't have to write me a love letter." Alex jokingly says.

"Oh, no it isn't." Elijah quickly says, Alex could feel the bubble of hope she had burst, he didn't care about her in such a way, to hide her expression she lowers her head to open the envelope, she takes out a piece of paper and reads it.

Please join the

Mikaelson Family

This evening at seven o'clock

For dancing, cocktails & celebration.

"I would love it if you would be able to join us," Elijah says, Alex looks up at him.

"Are you sure? Because this says cocktails." Alex says, she held the paper up and saw scribbling on the back of it. "Oh, what's this." She turns the paper over and felt hope build up again. "I would greatly appreciate it if you could join me at my side as my date for the night, Elijah." Alex reads out loud, she looks up at him with a grin. "I don't normally go to ball's or dances, Elijah." Perhaps he does like me, she thought.

"I have come to realize that," Elijah says.

"But I guess I could make an exception for you," Alex says, a faint smile appears on Elijah's lips. "But there is one small problem."

"And that would be?" Elijah asks.

"I don't own a dress," Alex says, she places the envelope and the invitation on her bed.

"I know, I have seen your closet," Elijah says, he glances towards the box. "Why don't you open it?" Alex looks at the box before looking back at him.

"You did not," Alex says, she opens the box and carefully pulls out a black dress that contained some faux diamonds attached to it.

"I assumed you would not take a liking towards bright colours, nor heels," Elijah says, Alex holds the dress up in front of her examining it, she looks up at Elijah.

"If I put this on, you have to take a picture for it to last," Alex says. "Because it will be the first and last time that you and everyone else will ever see me in a dress." Elijah chuckles, knowing it was true. "And you're absolutely right about the heels, I'll be wearing my best chuck taylor's."

"I do not mind if you feel comfortable with them," Elijah says. "I must be on my way to prepare everything for the ball tonight." Alex nods her head as she carefully lays the dress down on her bed, Elijah bends down beside her bed and pulls out a shoebox containing a stash of her cocaine. "I will be taking this with me as well."

"What? How in the hell did you know where I had that?" Alex says. "And you can't just take them."

"Perhaps if you would like to keep things a secret you should make sure that they are hidden," Elijah says, Alex takes a step towards him.

"I need those, Elijah," Alex says.

"You don't need them, you want them." Elijah states.

"Don't play with me right now, Elijah," Alex says. "I need them."

"You think you do, but you don't," Elijah says, he leaves her bedroom and she quickly follows behind him. "I will see you at the ball."

"Elijah," Alex says as they walk down the stairs. "At least give me one or two."

"Find something else to obsess over," Elijah says, he unlocks her front door and pulls the door open.

"Like what? Nothing else gives me a rush." Alex says, hoping to convince him.

"Food, hiking, go on an adventure, watch some television," Elijah says. "Read a book." Alex wasn't sure how she should respond. "I will see you tonight." Alex nods her head and Elijah exits her house closing the door behind him, Alex walks towards the door and locks it, she wasn't going to put up much of a fight, she had another box in her closet containing ecstasy and cocaine.

"Read a book? Watch television?" Alex mumbles while ascending up the stairs. "I said a rush, not a bore." She enters her bedroom and looks at the dress lying on her bed. "Hiking... just no, maybe food, I can eat..." She walks towards her closet and quickly finds the chuck taylor's she would be wearing. "Why am I talking to myself? Ugh"

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