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Alex parks her car in front of the Salvatore boarding house and climbs out, locking the doors, she walks towards the front door and saw Damon, Jenna and Alaric glaring daggers at John.

"Is this a bad time to arrive?" Alex asks, Damon looks past John and at Alex.

"No... no, it's fine, come with me." Jenna says, Alex bumps her shoulder against John's as she pushes past him and walks around Damon and Alaric following Jenna to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, I didn't bring anything with me," Alex says.

"That's all right," Jenna says, they enter the kitchen. "Oh, Alex, this is Andie Star, Andie this is Alex." Jenna introduces them to each other, Andie extends her arm out towards Alex.

"It's so nice to meet you," Andie says, Alex only nods her head before walking out of the kitchen and into the dining room, she takes a seat on a random chair not knowing if they were assigned or not, Alex could feel her headache growing and picks up the glass of water already on the table and takes a sip from it, Alaric walks into the dining room and sits down next to her, she could sense that he was fuming.

"Can I ask you something?" Alaric asks, Alex turns to look at him as she places the glass back on the table."If you had a secret, but you can't tell anyone about that secret, especially to that one person you love... what would you do?" Alaric asks, Alex could see the concern on his face.

"All depends on what kind of secret it is..." Alex trails off. "But I've never loved anyone, so, I couldn't know how you feel," Alex says before looking at the empty plate on the table, Alaric stares at her for a moment as everyone entered the dining room and took a seat, Elijah sits down across from Alex and watches her for a moment, Jenna and Andie exit the kitchen carrying the food and places it on the table before taking a seat.

"I hope it tastes as good as it smells," Andie says as everyone started filling up their empty plate, small talk around Alex quickly picked up as she avoided any sort of conversation with anyone, once she finished her food she pushes the plate away from her when a familiar voice caught her attention.

"So, Tell me, Alexandra... are you still doing drugs? Getting drunk every single night?" John asks, Alex turns to glare at him.

"That is none of your business, dick." Alex says, John was the one person everyone hated more than Alex. "Why don't you do everyone in this room a bloody favour and piss off." Alex spits out, Jenna and Alaric try to hold back their laughter while Damon chuckles loudly.

"I think I'm starting to like you, Alex," Damon says, standing up from his chair.

"Show some respect to your elders," John says as Damon leaves the room. "You were only invited because Jenna felt sorry for you."

"At least I was invited." Alex states. "I doubt anyone here invited you." John appeared furious. "Careful what you say to me, I might just be the one that causes your death." Alex stands up from her chair, the headache seemed to have gotten worse. "Where's the bathroom?"

"I'll show you," Jenna says getting up, they walk out of the dining room and down a hallway. "Just in there." Jenna points to a door, Alex gives her a thankful smile and enters the bathroom.

"Thank you," Alex says before closing the door, she walks towards the basin and opens the cold water, she washes her hands before splashing some water on her face, it felt as if her head was about to explode, she closes the water and looks up at herself in the mirror, a sudden sharp pain hits her before the pain disappeared and her memories return, fear washes over her as she realizes she was inside of the Salvatore boarding house with the person that tried to murder her.

Alex slowly opens the bathroom door and exits the bathroom, she could feel her breathing become short and fast, she quickly finds the front door as her vision becomes blurred, she exits the house and quickly makes her way to her car, once she was inside of her car and had the engine running she speeds away from from the Salvatore house, she didn't want to be near the house.

Once she arrives home she rushed inside of her house, locking the door before dashing up the stairs and into her bedroom, she sits down on the bed as the memories kept replying over and over in her head.

Damon kidnapping her and questioning her about Elijah before attacking her, Stefan showing up and saving her from his brother, Elijah compelling her to trust him before he brought her home, Elijah telling her all of the stories about vampires, werewolves and witches before compelling her to forget.

Forget what he had told her, Forget what had happened to her inside of the Salvatore boarding house.

"You will become sick each time somebody mentions liquor, you will not drink."

Alex picks up her pillow and clings onto it as if it were her life support, tears streamed down her face as she lays down in a fetal position on her bed.

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