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Waking up naked the next morning lying on her back Alex felt a hand softly squeezing one of her breasts, she turns her head to the side to look at Santino before removing his hand from her breast and sitting up on the bed rubbing her eyes, she climbs off the bed and slowly makes her way to the bathroom stopping in front of the mirror to stare at her reflection.

"Fuck..." Alex whispers turning towards the shower and opens the water, waiting for it to heat up she glances out the bathroom at the sleeping form of Santino, her eyes admire his features for a moment before shaking her head and climbing into the shower.


Stepping out of her closet pulling on her favourite leather jacket she makes her way to the bed and pulls the covers off from Santino causing him to stir and roll onto his stomach, her hand makes contact with his nude ass causing his eyes to shoot open.

"Get up, sleepy boy," Alex says as her hand still lingered on his naked ass, Santino's eyes travel up her body to her face.

"I don't want to," Santino says lazily before pushing himself up, his back forming an arch. "Why the hell are you up and dressed?" Santino asks momentarily forgetting it was a school-day, Santino was the only person in her group of friends that knew she actually wanted to learn and graduate at the end of the school year, but he just didn't know why she actually wanted to graduate and she wanted to keep it that way, for now.

"It's a school-day and yours truly, me, wants to be a good student," Alex says crossing her arms over her chest, Santino rolls onto his side and pushes himself up into a sitting position.

"It's a school day?" Santino asks his brain still clouded.

"It is, speaking of school, I need some help with a few subjects, mind helping me after school or sometime?" Alex asks sitting down next to Santino on the bed.

"Yeah, of course, My place after school?" Santino asks.

"That would be perfect," Alex says. "Take a shower, get decent and then join us downstairs," Alex says getting up from the bed. "School starts in 43 minutes, so I have to leave soon," Alex says and leaves her bedroom, she makes her way down the stairs and turns towards the kitchen but stops once she passes the living room, she takes a step back and saw Jayden passed out on the ground next to the coffee table while Tyler was nowhere to be seen.

"He passed out not long after you and Santino went upstairs," Tyler says walking out of the kitchen, not expecting him to still be in her home Alex lets out a gasp of surprise.

"Fuck... shit, don't scare me like that," Alex says placing her hand on her heart as it beat as loud as thunder. "What are you still doing here? I thought you would have left by now." Alex asks walking past him and into the kitchen.

"I can go home if you want," Tyler says following her into the kitchen.

"Not what I meant, isn't your phone being blown up by your parents? They must be worried sick." Alex says opening the fridge.

"Right, yes... I should probably go home, they're probably fucking pissed." Tyler says making his way out of the kitchen, Alex closes the fridge after not finding anything that interests her.

"Good luck, see you at school?" Alex asks.

"Totally," Tyler says making his way to the front door. "Bye, Santino," Tyler says opening the front door and leaving closing it behind him, Santino walks into the kitchen shirtless.

"He's just leaving?" Santino asks, Alex nods her head while opening a cabinet.

"Yep," Alex says taking out two pants. "Do me a favour and go wake that idiot," Alex says handing him the two pans, Santino takes the pants from her and walks into the living room, a loud bang echoed through the house.

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