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"I really need to get laid." Jayden mumbles. "And soon." He adds on, placing a cigarette bud between his lips.

"Yeah, you do," Alex says, turning to look at him, Jayden rolls his eyes but she only gives him a smirk, the sun was busy setting and the two of them were enjoying the sunset on her front lawn, Alex was just thankful the winter sun wasn't as warm but it was still burning her skin, she looks across the street and saw Elijah standing in front of Gilbert home looking at her and Jayden, Elijah looks into her eyes and it was almost like she was in a trance, she couldn't look away from him and it was as if the world was fading away.

"Do you think Santino might drop by later with something to drink?" Jayden asks, pulling her out of the trance, she looks at Jayden thinking for a moment. "Alex?" Jayden says, not sure if she had heard him or not.

"Can you repeat the question? I wasn't paying attention." Alex says it wasn't a lie.

"Ugh, I asked do you think Santino will drop by later with some booze?" Jayden asks.

"I uh, doubtfully, he messaged me earlier and said he was out of town for the day," Alex says, Jayden lets out a loud groan.

"Fuck," Jayden mumbles before placing the cigarette bud back into his mouth.

"Alex, correct?" A voice says from a few feet away, Alex turns her attention to the sidewalk where Elijah stood.

"That would be me, yes," Alex says. "Elijah, if I remember correctly."

"Indeed it is," Elijah says, making his way towards them. "I was just wondering, do you perhaps know where I can find Elena Gilbert?" Elijah asks, Jayden chuckles knowing neither he nor Alex knew where Elena was nor did they give a damn.

"Really? The Gilbert girl?" Jayden asks, causing Elijah to look at him. "She hates us with passion, besides if it's a woman you want, you got a ten out of ten right here," Jayden says, and gestures to Alex, Elijah turns his attention back to Alex and waits for a response from her, he did direct the question to her in the first place.

"Haven't seen that bitch all day today, have you tried the Salvatore brother's bedroom? I'm almost sure that you will find her there." Alex says Elijah nods his head.

"I see, thank you very much for the information," Elijah says, taking notice of the cigarette buds covering her front lawn.

"Yeah, no problem," Alex says, picking up the cigarette packet, Elijah lets out a sigh as he walks away before Alex could even light the cigarette.

"What's wrong with him?" Jayden asks. "I mean seriously, Elena Gilbert when you're right here," Jayden states, Alex shrugs her shoulders. "Oh come on, you must admit he is handsome."

"Sure, he looks good and all, but if he wants to get in bed with Elena Gilbert then I sure as do not want him," Alex says. "Anyway, I need some drugs, I'm running a little low."

"Yeah, I'll talk to dad, but he's expecting payment," Jayden says, Alex nods her head.

"How much and how soon do you think you can get it for me?"


"We should probably head inside," Alex says, the sun had long set and it was almost 9 pm.

"Hm... Probably." Jayden says, suddenly he was yanked to his feet and a hand wrapped around his neck, Alex quickly snapped out of her dazed stake and stood up.

"Hey, what the fuck man, let him go!" Alex says, she couldn't see who it was but the figure looked familiar.

"Leave." The intruder says and released Jayden, Alex instantly recognized that voice and knew who it was, Jayden turns to look at Alex as if nothing had just happened.

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