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"Are you telling me that each and every myth that has been told as long as time is all true?" Alex asks, she was a little shocked, but she couldn't say she was surprised. "Vampires, Werewolves, Witches... what more? Mermaids? Angels, Demons?" Alex asks, she was more than curious and the excitement bubbled inside her, the idea of something supernatural existing just excited her.

"They are all true, but I do not know if mermaids, angels or demons exits, I have yet to meet one," Elijah says. "Fairies, shape-shifters... I do not know if they exist." Alex nods her head, a little disappointed.

"But they must... if werewolves, vampires and witches exits, then it's possible that dragons also exist!" Alex says, she was so excited about the newly learned information.

"I doubt dragons exist," Elijah says, Alex gives him a wide smile.

"Have you ever met one?" Alex asks, Elijah was about to answer her, but she quickly cut him off. "No, you haven't so how would you know?" Alex asks. "Maybe in the future, one will pop up!" she says excitedly. "Wait..." Alex's excitement fades. "So all those bedtime stories adults tell their children..."

"They are all true," Elijah says. "It was not to just scare children to stay inside but to keep them from danger." Alex slowly nods her head.

"My mother always told me about a war between two powerful creatures, I just... I can't remember which two creatures it was, but do you know anything about a war?" Alex asks. "That may have happened?" Elijah thinks for a moment.

"The only war I know is an ongoing war between werewolves and vampires, which you, of course, know my father caused," Elijah says, Alex nods her head.

"And the witches and vampires." Alex states. "Why does everyone hate vampires?" Alex asks jokingly.

"Because we like to cause trouble," Elijah answers back in a joking manner, Alex chuckles.

"Oh, so you can joke, huh?" Alex asks, A faint smile appears at the corners of Elijah's lips. "But uh, do you think there is even a small chance that anything else besides vampires, werewolves and witches exist?"

"Perhaps... If witches exist, perhaps angels and demons exist, if werewolves exist why shouldn't a dragon exist?" Elijah says, Alex nods her head.

"Mermaids could be walking around without us knowing," Alex says. "Fairies could also be among us, and we wouldn't even know it!" Elijah could see the excitement in her eyes. "Wait... your blood, can it... heal sick people?"

"I do not know..." Elijah says. "Nobody has tried it yet, but I doubt we could heal them." Alex tilts her head in confusions. "Our blood does rapidly heal others but it enhances the healing process, it could possibly do the opposite with a sick person, it could make them worse, or they could die."

"And turn into a vampire, wouldn't that necessary heal them?" Alex asks.

"If you are turned into a vampire with an illness, say like cancer, it would make it worse, the growth would be growing faster and with the enhanced hearing, I am sure you would be able to hear it grow," Elijah says. "It is best to leave such diseases to doctors and scientists." Alex nods her head, Elijah looks at his watch and sees the time.

"Well, that just sucks then." Alex mumbles.

"It is getting a bit late, I must be on my way," Elijah says, Alex lets out a sigh and got up from the couch. "I must do one more thing," Elijah says, getting up from the couch as well.

"Yeah, what would that be?" Alex asks, Elijah placed his index finger underneath her chin and makes her look up at him, the second her eyes met his eyes it felt like she entered a trance.

"You will forget everything that had happened to you at the Salvatore residence, you will forget Damon Salvatore kidnapped you, you will forget I was even here." Elijah compels her. "You will know everything about the supernatural but you will go on with your life as if you know nothing." Elijah couldn't decide if he was doing her a favour or not, but he felt guilty about taking her memory away.

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