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"If I may ask, where are your parents?" Elijah asks, they were now seated on the couch in her living room after he had cleaned her neck and her hand.

"Dead," Alex says. "But if you do want to talk to them, they're at the cemetery just outside of Mystic Falls." It's been years since her parents died and she had mourned them and moved on with her life, as they say, time heals all wounds... well, not all wounds, not always.

"I am so sorry to hear that," Elijah says sympathetically.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, it happened a long time ago, years," Alex says. "It was a couple of days before my thirteenth birthday." She says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"And you are sixteen now?" Elijah asks, Alex shakes her head.

"Seventeen, my birthday was a couple of months ago," Alex says, Elijah nods his head.

"Who took care of you afterwards?" Elijah asks curiously.

"I took care of myself," Alex says. "When we uh moved here, my family disowned my parents and me, so they didn't want anything to do with me or my parents." That enraged Elijah.

"Family are not supposed to behave in such manner," Elijah states, although his family was dysfunctional they still cared for each other.

"Well, they can if they want to," Alex says. "Not all families give a shit about everyone, they didn't bother to come to the funeral, so... screw them," Alex says. "Besides, I'm still breathing aren't I?" Elijah watches her for a moment. "But the uh Gilbert family, across the street, they took me in... and I came back after a year, they just— they uh didn't care," Alex confesses.

"Do you ever miss your parents?" Elijah asks, Alex takes in a deep breath.

"I uh do wonder how my life would have turned if they were, you know, still alive," Alex says. "I try to kind of imagine it in some way... but uh, somehow, I just can't come up with a scenario."

"How did they die? If you do not mind me asking." Elijah says, Alex smiles at him.

"If this is twenty-one questions, I have a few questions of my own for you too, Elijah," Alex says, Elijah smiles nodding his head.

"Perhaps we should make a deal, if you tell me your story, I will tell you everything you must know or want to know about the supernatural," Elijah says, Alex nods her head and gives him a pleased smile.

"You have got yourself a deal," Alex says. "But, You are a guest in my house, do you want something to drink?" Alex asks.

"Not right now, thank you," Elijah says, Alex begins playing with her nails in nervousness.

"Lets uh see, My parents were killed right outside when I was about to turn thirteen, it was late in the evening and I was waiting for them in the living room watching cartoons, I didn't even hear them arrive until I heard my mother scream," Alex says, she licks her lips thinking back to that she licks her lips thinking back to that night. "I uh, rushed outside but whoever had murdered them had already gone and they were dead next to the car."

"How where they...?" Elijah asks, curious if a vampire or werewolf perhaps killed them.

"They were uh stabbed," Alex says, motioning with her hands she pretends to stab herself in the heart. "In the heart, or at least I think so, there was uh a lot of blood." Elijah nods his head. "The family across the streets, The Gilbert family, apparently called the police, the driveway was filled with all the neighbours."

"That must have been horrifying to see," Elijah states, Alex nods her head.

"I couldn't sleep for days, I looked like a freakin' zombie," Alex says. "Which makes me wonder if that was a normal-looking face for the Gilbert family."

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