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"I will be out momentarily, but while I'm out I want you to go and buy some groceries," Elijah says while fixing his blazer, he stood in her bedroom door while she was putting on her shoes. "Nothing that contains alcohol."

"Anything else?" Alex asks, following him down the stairs, once they reach the bottom Elijah turns around to face her.

"Yes, Stop by the girl and get breakfast," Elijah says, Alex nods her head.

"Okay, I'm getting fries because it's the only decent thing they have." Alex states.

"Fries are fine, just remember to get some fruit and some vegetables," Elijah says, he pulls the front door open and they exit her home.

"I will," Alex says, locking her front door. "Do you need a ride somewhere?" Elijah walks down the steps.

"No, I will manage, but thank you," Elijah says. "But there is one more thing," Alex walks off her porch.

"Mh?" Alex hums waiting for him to respond.

"Be safe," Elijah says. "Niklaus is out there and who knows what he will do."

"Elijah, I hardly doubt that I'm part of his plan." Elijah frowns at her statement. "But I will try my best to be safe."

"Splendid," Elijah says before vanishing, Alex walks towards her car and climbs in.


Alex walks into the grill and makes her way towards the bar to place her order, Matt stood at a table watching her approach the bar and decided to intervene.

"Don't even bother, you're still not getting any alcohol," Matt says, Alex spins around to face him with a fake smile plastered on her lips.

"Oh, Matty, I don't want any liquor, my goal is to stop drinking," Alex says, her fake smile now gone. "Fries, takeaway," Matt tilts his head in confusion.

"But you love getting drunk." Matt states.

"Did you not listen? The goal is to try and stop, so, how about those fries?" Alex asks, Matt nods his head still trying to figure out what game she was playing.

"Yeah, okay," Matt says, he walks past her towards the kitchen while Alex turns around and takes a seat at the bar.

"Trying to quit, huh?" Damon asks, Alex freezes once she heard his voice next to her. "And how are you planning on doing that?"

"Well, firstly... it would be none of your business," Alex whispers knowing he would hear her, he moves to the seat right next to her.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance," Damon mutters, Alex takes in a deep breath and looks at him, trying to hide her fear.

"Damon," Alaric says from next to Damon, but they pay no attention to him.

"You really do hate me, but newsflash, Damon, everyone in this fucking town hates me," Alex says, her voice low but with a hint of confidence. "Don't think you're special, because you're just another bigot in my book."

"Careful," Damon warns her.

"You should be careful, someone might just whisper in the Sheriff's ear about what's really going on in this damn town," Alex says, If looks could kill Alex would have been dead.

"Yo—" Damon was cut off by a person stepping in between them.

"Gentlemen, why so glum?" The man asks, a groan leaves Damon's mouth. "And why are you being so rude to the lady?"

Give Me Strength • Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now