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Alex pulls her books from her locker, her hands shaking from fear and she constantly looked over her shoulder, it was the night after the dinner party and Alex was on the edge, the memories that were a blank spot inside of her mind now haunted her, she wished she didn't remember what had happened to her.

"Hi!" Jayden says from behind her, Alex gasps and jumps in fear at the loud voice behind her, she turns around to look at Jayden only to see that her schoolmates were staring at her.

"What are you looking at?!" Alex spits out, this quickly made everyone turn away. "Fuck, you'll give somebody a fucking heart attack, Jay," Alex says, Jayden tilts his head in confusion.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Jayden says. "What's got you so jumpy?"

"I'm not jumpy." Alex defends. "You just scared me, that's all," Alex says. "I uh... I need some pills, I haven't had a hit in a while." Jayden nods his head.

"I'll bring you some tomorrow, I forgot you asked for them when the weekend started," Jayden says. "Anyway, where the hell were you? Santino said you weren't home." Alex could feel the fear pulsing through her veins, but she had to hide it, she couldn't tell him.

"I uh was drunk and high, I ended up crashing at a motel out of town after a massive party." Alex lies to him, Jayden nods his head not seeing a need to question her any further.

"Must've been a hell of a party, you should consider inviting me next time," Jayden says, Alex nods her head.

"Totally," Alex says, she closes her locker. "Let's just get this day over with." They walk down the hallway towards their first class.

"Hey, are you stopping by the grill tonight? I heard there's going to be live music." Jayden says, Alex slowly nods her head, she didn't want to go in fear she might get attacked by a vampire, but she couldn't say no otherwise her friends could start to suspect something was wrong.

"I uh, I'll meet you there."


Alex walks into the grill and saw the place packed, she pushes past people as they bumped into her while dancing, she spots Jayden and Santino sitting at a table already drinking, Santino sees Alex and a smile tug at the corner of his lips.

"I'm glad you made it," Santino says, Alex sits down at the table forcing a smile.

"Well, uh you know, free booze and it's a party," Alex says, Santino smiles and pushes an empty glass in her direction.

"Got you a glass, so no worries," Santino says, he pours some bourbon into it and Alex looks towards the stage as the music stops.

"Is that Caroline?" Alex asks.

"It is," Jayden confirms, What was she doing up there?

"Hey uh everybody, lets give it up for the band!" Caroline says, everyone erupted into a cheer.

"Oh, fuck, just drink, just drink," Jayden says. "I have a feeling things are about to slow down." He states, Alex picks up her glass and takes a sip from it while Jayden and Santino quickly finished their glass and refilled it.

"We're going to need some more." Santino states. "Mind getting us some more, love?" Santino asks Alex. "Just tell them to put it on my tab." Alex nods her head and got up from the table and made her way towards the bar, Alex could see Alaric sitting there staring at somebody, she looks towards the person he was staring at and saw Jenna.

"Hello." Alex greets the bartender with a flirty smile. "One bottle of whiskey, please," Alex says

"I'm going to have to see some I.D." The bartender says, A frown quickly falls on Alex's face.

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