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"Oh, for fuck sakes! Let's all be honest here, who in the hell would ask 'is anyone there?' like the killer is going to shout out 'Yeah, in the bathroom, taking a bloody shit!'" Jayden almost shouts, Santino and Jayden were over at Alex's house watching a horror movie with her, well, they weren't watching it, they were judging the movies.

"And what else is a damsel supposed to say? Or do?" Alex asks, causing Jayden to roll his eyes, he takes out a cigarette packet and offers one to Alex causing Santino to roll his eyes at the gesture. "Thank you," Alex says, pulling a cigarette out from the packet.

"A murderer isn't going to answer you, no matter what you shout or do," Jayden states, Santino brings his glass of whiskey to his lips and takes a sip.

"Without those stupid lines, these movies wouldn't even exist." Alex fires back, Jayden once again rolls his eyes before placing the bud of the cigarette between his lips and fishes his lighter out of his pocket and lights the cigarette up, Alex holds her hand out for the lighter but lowers her hand when she hears a knock on her front door. "Did you guys order something? Invite somebody? What time is it anyway?" Alex asks, placing the cigarette on the coffee table.

"I did not, Jayden?" Santino asks.

"Nope, but if it's a pizza and they're at the wrong house, just take," Jayden says, Alex rolls her eyes while getting up from the couch and making her way to the front door, she unlocks it and pulls it open.

"Jenna." Alex greets her with a smile.

"Hi, is this a bad time?" Jenna asks, hearing Santino and Jayden arguing over something.

"Nope, not at all, with what can I help you with?" Alex asks.

"Shit," Jayden says from the living room.

"So, uh, Remember those boxes filled with books I just brought your yesterday?" Jenna asks, Alex nods her head. "Well, this gentleman wants those books for research about our town," Jenna says, Alex looks at the guy and quickly remembers him from a few days ago when she accidentally bumped into him. "Elijah, this is Alex, my trusted friend that keeps everything save for me."

"I remember you, it's nice to meet you without bumping into you this time around," Alex says, Causing Elijah to chuckle as he remembered their encounter. "Come on in and I'll go put them back in the box," Alex says, stepping away from the door. "I haven't gotten a chance to put them back in, Sorry," Alex says, Jenna and Elijah step into the house while Alex opens the closet door and pulls out the box that contained only half of the books, Jayden steps out of the living room and leans against the door frame.

"What's taking so damn long?" Jayden asks, he spots Jenna and instantly begins fixing his hair and gives her a side smirk. "Jenna," Jayden says, Jenna gives him an awkward smile knowing about his crush on her.

"Please, just go back into the living room," Alex says, Jayden looks at her.

"Why? I can be helpful," Jayden says. "What do you need me to do?" Jayden asks, pushing himself off the door frame.

"To go back into the living room," Alex says harshly.

"I didn't ask you." Jayden fires at her, she rolls her eyes as she quickly packs the books back into the box, why didn't they realize sooner that they could've just put the box in the closet instead of unpacking it.

"And I answered you," Alex says. "Now go back into the living room if you want your balls to stay attached to your dick."

"Threatening me won't make me leave," Jayden says, Santino steps up behind Jayden and places his hands on his Jayden's shoulders.

"Is he bothering you, love?" Santino asks.

"He is, mind taking him back into the living room, I'll be right back," Alex says.

"Sure thing," Santino says, and roughly pulls at Jayden's shoulders. "Come on, the lady doesn't want you around," Santino says, pulling Jayden back into the living room, considering how drunk Jayden already was it was easy for Santino to do so, but he also managed to trip along the way and fell on the floor.

"An absolute asshole," Alex mumbles, she picks up the box from the floor. "Here you go," Alex says, handing the box to Elijah.

"Thank you very much for these, I appreciate it," Elijah says, taking the box from her hands.

"No problem," Alex says.

"Thank you for keeping them safe and looking out for me," Jenna says.

"Jayden's a fucking asshole when he drinks, Santino loves an opportunity to rough handle him if he gets it," Alex says, Elijah's eyes linger on Alex for a moment as he tries to read her. "So you need to go thank Santino."

"I will when I see him again," Jenna says. "So uh, the remainder of the collections are at my house, just across the street," Jenna says, Making Elijah look at Jenna.

"Right, thank you for being a big help with these, Ms Alex," Elijah says, turning to face the front door. "I hope to see you around," Elijah says, walking out of her house with Jenna following behind him.

"I hope so as well," Alex says, following them to the front door. "Good night."

"Night," Jenna says.

"Enjoy your evening," Elijah says, Alex closes her front door locking it once again before going back to the living room, she steps over Jayden, who was still lying on the floor after tripping over his own feet.

"Jenna and I don't know who the other man is, what did they want?" Santino curiously asks.

"You didn't recognise him?" Alex asks.

"Should I have?" Santino asks.

"The man I bumped into a few days ago," Alex says. "His name's Elijah."

"Elijah who? Is he looking for revenge? Stalking you perhaps?" Santino asks, Alex rolls her eyes.

"I don't know what Elijah's last name is and no he isn't looking for revenge," Alex says. "You think you're a fucking comedian." Alex mumbles. "Jenna dropped off some historic books about the town and he is doing some research about this place."

"The internet exists." Santino states.

"Oh get over it," Alex says. "Are you staying the night or are you going home?" Alex asks.

"I need to leave, sadly," Santino says. "But I am not so sure if he will be able to make it very far."

"I have to go home..." Jayden says, his head clearly up in the clouds. "Shit, I have to go home," Jayden says, trying to push himself up, but in his drunken state, it was next to impossible. "Will you drop me off, Santino?" Jayden slurs out.

"Sure, whatever," Santino says, getting up from the couch. "Get up so we can leave."

"I'm trying," Jayden says still trying to get to his feet, Santino lets out a frustrated sigh and grabs Jayden's upper arm and roughly pulls him to his feet. "Careful, careful,"

"We will see you tomorrow, yes?" Santino asks, picking up his car keys.

"Yes, of course, you're not too drunk to drive?" Alex asks.

"We'll be fine," Santino says, Alex nods her head not wanting to argue.

"All right then," Alex says, Santino roughly pushes Jayden towards the front door.

"Enjoy your evening, love," Santino says.

"Thank you," Alex says, she hears the front door unlock and open before closing again, she lets out a sigh and makes her way towards the front door to lock it again, she slowly begins her journey up the stairs and into her bedroom, deciding it might be time for bed.

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