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Staring at her cabinet filled with liquor she tried to remember the last forty-eight hours of her life but it was a complete blank, her cabinet had been filled since she lasted opened it but she couldn't remember if Santino had stopped by, which bothered Alex because the only times she can't remember is when she used heavy drugs and drank too much and she couldn't remember doing either of them, but what bothered her the most was the fact that she didn't want to drink anything.

Her morning routine usually included coffee with a shot glass whiskey or vodka inside of it but not this morning, something was stopping her from touching the bottles and she had no idea why, letting out a light sigh she closes the cabinet and leaves the kitchen.


"Wait, Damon kidnapped her?" Elena asks, she was completely shocked by Damon's actions. "I might not like her but she didn't deserve that, she doesn't deserve such a death like that." Elena states, Stefan nods his head. "All that happened just because she spoke to Elijah?" Elena asks, Stefan once again nods his head. "Wow..."

"Why do you dislike her, Elena?" Stefan asks, he wanted to know and he wanted clarity on the situation, Elena thinks for a minute.

"I told you, she gave Jeremy drugs after our parents died." Elena states. "She almost ruined his life."

"And why do you think she's on drugs? Always Getting High?" Stefan asks, he didn't wait for her to answer him. "Nobody was there for her when her parents were murdered, She wasn't made to feel comfortable in your home," Stefan says. "Jeremy must have seen that it helped her and decided to try it himself." Elena lets out a sigh. "She lost her parents at a much younger age than you and Jeremy."

"I uh..." Elena sighs. "Oh gosh, how could I forget, I was there the night it happened," Elena says. "She was such a wreck," Elena states, but then started to wonder how Stefan knew about the incident. "Wait, how do you know about that? It happened before you and Damon came back."

"I entered her mind," Stefan admits, Elena frowns and crosses her arms over her chest.

"You entered her mind? Stefan, that's an invasion of privacy." Elena says.

"I know it is, but the story of Alex has been twisted so much and I wanted to know the truth," Stefan says. "I know I shouldn't have done that, but I wanted to know what actually happened." Elena lets out another sigh.

"What did you see?" Elena asks, she was curious what Stefan could have seen in Alex's mind.

"The moment she sneaked out of your house when she met that Jayden bloke, the first time she had received drugs," Stefan says. "I've heard when a person is broken their world becomes black and white, her mind was faded, she wants some colour in her life and it doesn't seem like anyone wants to give her a chance."

"She could have come to me, I would have helped her." Elena states. "Why didn't she? Why did she decide to sneak out?"

"Do you remember that feeling you had when you lost your parents?" Stefan asks, Elena nods her head. "That was how she felt, but she only difference, you had Jeremy, she didn't have any other family," Stefan says. "She needed somebody to understand that pain but there was nobody there, and that is why she and Jayden became friends."

"Why with him?" Elena asks, Why him of all people?

"He lost his mother not that long before they had met, they bonded with each other because they understood each other's pain," Stefan says. "Jeremy went searching for her because he didn't want to bother you with his grief." Elena slowly nods her head. "He thought it helped her, but if you've been pretending your entire life that you're all right, you can fool anyone."

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