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While Stefan was cleaning up after he had cleaned Alex's wound he couldn't help but wonder about the girl sleeping on the bed, how did she end up the way she did or why do Elena and Jeremy seem to hate her so much, he knew he shouldn't and it is none of his business but his curiosity got the better of him.

"Wake up," Stefan says, gently shaking her to wake up. "Wake up." Alex slowly regains her consciousness, she turns her head feeling the pain in her neck and lets out a gasp, but not because of the pain, but because Stefan Salvatore was in front of her. "I need you to calm down." Stefan compels her, her heart rate slows down. "Stay calm, all right?" Alex nods her head, confused why she felt so calm, she should be freaking out. "I know I shouldn't but my curiosity has gotten the better of me..." Stefan takes a seat on the chair he had pulled closer to the bed when he cleaned her wound. "How did you end up like this?"

"I uh, um... my uh parents died when I was very young, outside my house." Alex begins. "Why would I tell you my life story? I don't know you, I just know your name." He should have known she wouldn't trust him.

"You're right... I'm sorry." Stefan says, if he wanted to know more about her then he would have to make another plan. "Forget we ever had this conversation." Stefan compels her. "Go back to sleep, you lost a lot of blood and you need to rebuild your strength." Alex slowly closes her eyes and fell asleep once again, He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help it, he extends his arm and reaches out for her face, he softly places his hand on the side of her face and enters her mind.


Everything seemed grey but it was faded even Stefan himself when he entered her mind, the colour green could easily be identified but it was a faded green, he looks around in the faded hallway until he saw a sign on the wall.

"Green door, good memories." Stefan reads out loud. "Black door, bad memories." Stefan turns to look down the hall and several different coloured doors but he only cared about the black door, he walks away from the sign on the wall and makes his way towards the black door at the end of the hallway, he stops in front of it and opens the door and steps inside expecting it to be just a faded as the hallway but instead, it was light and inside of a house.

He looks around taking in his surroundings hearing a television in the background, he quietly walks towards the living room and saw a small child sitting on the couch watching cartoons, he quickly realized it was Alex as a child, headlights shine through the windows and Stefan moves into the shadows, he could hear the car engine shutting down and the car doors open but never close, instead he heard a piercing scream.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Alex yells, he heard the light steps from Alex running towards the door and stayed hidden in the shadows, Alex opens the door and runs out of the door and down the steps of the porch, Stefan moves towards the door and saw the neighbourhood, people quickly appeared in front of the house to see what was going on, Stefan could see Alex being pulled away from her parents lifeless bodies.

The scene quickly changes from outside Alex's house to inside the Gilbert's house, Alex stood by the window in the guest bedroom feeling the wind blow against her, the feeling of being alone was eating at her, she looks over her shoulder before sticking one leg out of the window and steps onto the roof above the porch, she carefully moves towards the edge and carefully finds her way down the roof, Stefan could see her walk down the street, as the scene begins fading away he could hear laughter coming from the Gilbert family.

Stefan stood on the sidewalk in a new neighbourhood and saw several people surrounding one house and a teenager on the porch holding a cigarette in his hands, he turns his head and saw Alex walking down the sidewalk staring at the house, she stops in front of the house and stares at the teenager on the porch, the teenager on the porch quickly took notice and picked something up before walking down the steps of the porch and towards Alex.

"Hey there, are you lost?" Jayden asks, Alex looks up at him.

"I don't... I don't think... I think I am." Alex says, Jayden could sense the sadness from Alex.

"Do you know where you are?" Jayden asks.

"No..." Alex softly says. "I didn't mean to disturb you, I just— I don't— I guess I needed some time alone," Alex says, Jayden nods his head.

"Okay, well I think I know just what you might need," Jayden says. "But I can only give it to you once, if you want more you'll have to pay, all right?" Alex nods her head and Jayden leads her towards the porch, she had changed so much since this memory she had grown more confident.


"Stefan Salvatore, invading somebody's privacy, I don't believe it!" Damon says sarcastically from the bedroom door, Stefan retracts his hands from Alex's face and looks towards the door.

"What do you want, Damon?" Stefan asks.

"Nothing, brother," Damon says. "At least not this time." He says and walks away from the door, Stefan lets out a sigh and looks back at Alex, he had a frown on his face.

"Your world might be grey but you really want some colour in it." Stefan states, he pushes himself up from the chair and moves it back against the wall before leaving the guest bedroom, closing the door behind him.

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