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Alex could feel her head pounding as she slow regains consciousness, her throat felt dry and her neck stiff and sore, she opens her eyes and blinks a few times to adjust to the light before looking around the room, she pushes herself into a sitting position on the unfamiliar bed and the memories from the previous night hits her like a train, her hand moves to her neck and feels a band-aid on her neck.

She slowly stood up from the comfortable bed and makes her way towards the bedroom door, she slowly pulls it open and sticks her head out of the room and looks around, once she was sure nobody was around she took a step out of the bedroom and begins searching for the stairs, she needed to leave, she couldn't stay in this house after what had happened last night, as she neared the staircase she heard voices in the distance.

"Someone has gone missing and I have reason to believe you know where they are," Elijah says, Alex recognized his voice but wasn't sure if she should find comfort in it.

"A bunch of people go missing every day, you'll need to be a bit more specific," Damon says, Now Alex was sure that she needed to stay at the top of the stairs, she couldn't take that chance and be attacked by Damon again. "Do you have a name or even a description of this person?"

"I doubt that you are in any position to use that tone with me," Elijah says. "If it were not for Elena, you would be dead by now."

"What do you want with little Ms Zastrod anyway?" Damon asks, defeated, The Original Vampire did save his life, why gamble with his life now?

"I want her to be human, she has absolutely nothing to do with any of this, so why include her?" Elijah states. "But I simply wish to help her."

"And why? You realize that human is a lost cause and you should just let her die." Damon states, Alex visibly shakes as she eavesdrops in on their conversation, she knew she shouldn't.

"You might not give a damn about her, but I wish to help her," Elijah says. "In all of my years as a vampire, I have yet to discover why human's put so much effort into saving one..." Alex tunes him out as she hears footsteps approaching the steps. "Consider it an experiment."

"You're a vampire for damn's sake, can't you smell how much she reeks of drugs and booze?" Damon questions. "She's upstairs, Stefan the hero vampire saved her before I could do the world a favour and kill her," Damon says, Alex takes a step back planning on running back to the room she was in, her back collides with something or someone stopping her in her tracks, she lets out a gasp and turns around to see Elijah standing behind her.

"I am not here to hurt you." Elijah softly says. "I give you my word."

"Ho—how do I—I know yo—you're telling the tr—uth?" Alex stutters out, she was scared and Elijah could hear her heart beating in fear.

"If I wished to have hurt you, I would have done so when we first met," Elijah states, his eyes land on the bandaid on her neck and takes a step towards her, Alex lets out a shaky breath knowing if she takes a step back she would fall down the stairs, Elijah carefully moves her hair out of the way so he could inspect her neck. "You're hurt." Alex slowly nods her head.

"Yeah, well, your friend downstairs did that," Alex whispers.

"I can assure you that he is no friend," Elijah says. "Allow me to take you home," Elijah says, she couldn't quite figure out why she felt more save with Elijah, he was the same creature Damon and Stefan are, so why did she feel like she could trust him.

"Okay," Alex whispers.


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