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Alex slowly enters the large Mikaelson mansion and looks around recognizing most of the people, all the women were dressed in beautiful dresses while the men were dressed in suits and almost everyone had a glass of champagne in their hands while talking to their friends.

"Ms Zastrod, I am glad to see you came," Elijah says, Alex turns her gaze towards Elijah as he made his way towards her. "I must say you look exquisite in this dress, did I buy it in the correct size?" Alex glances down at the black dress hugging her curves just right, blood rushes to her cheeks as she blushes at his comment.

"It's a perfect size, thank you," Alex says, Elijah softly smiles at her and holds his arm out for her.

"Shall we?" Elijah asks, Alex hooks her arm with his and they walk further into the mansion. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm all right, why do you ask?" Alex asks.

"We are surrounded by alcohol, do you feel any need to have a drink?" Elijah asks, Alex couldn't help but chuckle.

"I have realized that Elijah, and no, I don't feel the need to have one," Alex says. "But at some point during the night I will get thirsty."

"Do not worry yourself, I had somebody go buy something non-alcoholic," Elijah says, he leads her towards the kitchen. "You can choose what you would like." Elijah opens the fridge. "What would you like?" Alex was amazed by all the bottles inside the fridge.

"Are all of these for me?" Alex asks, Elijah nods his head. "Wow, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to drink all of this."

"That is quite all right, what's leftover is for when you come and visit," Elijah says, Alex nods her head and scans the bottles.

"You know what, I'll just take sparkling water," Alex says, Elijah pulls out a bottle and closes the fridge, so thoughtful of him, she thought.

"Sparkling water it is," Elijah says, he takes out a champagne glass from the cupboards and pours the sparkling water into it. "Just so you would not feel awkward while everyone else is holding a champagne glass."

"Well, thank you for making me not feel left out," Alex says, Elijah hands her the glass. "Thank you." Alex takes the glass from him and takes a sip.

"Shall we go join everyone?" Elijah asks, Alex nods her head and they exit the kitchen. "I must make an announcement, would you mind waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs?" They walk towards the staircase.

"No, I don't mind," Alex says.

"I will only be a moment," Elijah says, Alex nods her head and Elijah begins ascending up the stairs.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," Alex says, Elijah gives her a grateful smile.

"If everyone could gather, please." Elijah begins, Alex recognized Klaus and Rebekah when they joined Elijah on the stairs but she didn't recognize the other two men as they walked past her. "Welcome, thank you for joining us." An elder woman walks down the stairs to join Elijah and his family. "You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this it's a tradition for us to commence this evening with a dance, tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could yourselves a partner and join us in the ballroom," Elijah announces before walking down the stairs stopping in front of Alex.

"I thought your mother died?" Alex asks.

"I had thought so as well." Elijah says, he looks towards Ester for a moment before turning back to Alex. "Turns out she's very much alive."

"Interesting, I must say you have a very fascinating family, I mean coming back from the dead?" Alex says, causing Elijah to chuckle.

"Shall we go open the dance floor?" Elijah asks, holding his hand out for Alex.

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