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An entire week passed and empty bottles filled Alex's trashcan but Elijah never came back that night, she knew what he was planning on doing that night and now she fears that his brother had killed him instead of him killing Klaus, Who was dead and who was alive? Did he just decide to leave after killing his brother? She had no idea, but so wished Elijah was here to help her, she heard a knock and slowly makes her way towards her front door.

"Alaric? What are you doing here?" Alex asks, Alaric quickly picked up on her sweaty skin and her shaking hands, but what he first noticed was the bags underneath her eyes, something was wrong, but he had come here for a reason.

"It's Jenna," Alaric says, he notices how she nervously playing with the strings of her hoodie.

"What about her?" Alex asks.

"She's dead," Alaric says, Alex felt the world crumble around her. "Her funeral was a couple of days ago."

"You're lying!" Alex says, she could feel tears forming in her eyes. "She can't be dead!"

"I'm so sorry, Alex," Alaric says, sympathy in his voice.

"No, this isn't fair!" Alex says. "Why didn't anybody tell me?!" Alaric wasn't sure how to answer her. "It was them, Elena and Jeremy, they didn't want me there, did they?"

"Alex, you need to calm down, take a deep breath," Alaric says.

"Don't, Alaric!" Alex says loudly. "Don't tell me what to do, they denied me the opportunity to say goodbye to a friend!" Alaric noticed her hands shaking more as she wipes her face from tears. "Is that the only reason why you stopped by?"

"No, Elijah's missing as well, he saved his brother and fled," Alaric says, Alex nods her head.

"He's not here, he was supposed to come back a week ago," Alex says, the headache she's been fighting for a week worsen as her thoughts once again ran wild. "Can you tell those two that I'm sorry for their loss, I'm sorry for your loss as well." She takes in a deep breath. "You know, Jenna was the only adult in this town that never judged me, the only one that has ever bothered to check on me sometimes."

"Alex, are you all right?" Alaric asks, he needed to know what was going on.

"I'll be absent from school for the next week," Alex says. "My head is killing, please excuse me."

"Alex, what's wrong?" Alaric asks. "Are you drunk? High?"

"Drunk? I haven't drunk in an entire week, Alaric!" Alex says becoming irritated with him. "I haven't slept in three days, my head feels like it's going to explode!"

"Why didn't you call? You can't go through this alone." Alaric says. "You need somebody to monitor your symptoms."

"I'm fine, Alaric, it'll be over in a week," Alex says, she at least hoped it would be over. "If you could please..." She trails off as she started to feel nauseous. "Excuse me." Alex sprints up the stairs leaving the front door wide open, Alaric decided to follow her and found her on her knees in front of the toilet, Alaric held her hair and rubbed her back as she coughed.

"You need to go to a doctor, you need help," Alaric says, he releases her hair as she sits back and leans against the wall.

"I'm fine." Her voice just above her a whisper. "I'll be okay, you can go."

"I'm not leaving you alone, you need somebody to look after you," Alaric says. "Have you eaten yet?"

"I'm not hungry," Alex mutters.

"When's the last time you ate?" Alaric asks, Alex tilts her head at his question.

"I uh... um, I'm not sure," Alex says.

"You need to eat, even if you don't feel hungry," Alaric says. "Go lay down, I'll go see if there's something I can make for you to eat." Alaric helps Alex to her feet and helps her towards the bed, he could feel how wet her skin was from the sweat. "You need to consider going to see a doctor."

"I hate doctors."Alex mumbles, he helps her onto the bed making sure she wouldn't fall off.

"We'll talk about it later, I'll be right back," Alaric says, Alex nods her head and watches as Alaric leaves her bedroom, she quickly climbs off the bed and goes towards her closet to find her box of marijuana stash, after finding the box she exits her bedroom and quietly makes her way down the stairs before exiting her house to go to the cemetery.


Alex slowly walks through the cemetery looking for Jenna's grave, she finally found it and sits down next to it, putting the box down in front of her.

"I was supposed to die before you, Jenna." Alex mumbles. "If I had known you were dead I would have come sooner, Hell, I would have been here for your funeral." Alex breathes out, she opens the box and takes out a marijuana cigarette. "You once told me how you smoked a lot of pot before you had to grow up and make sure Elena and Jeremy were all right." She takes out her lighter. "So, I'm just going to sit right here and smoke some pot, hoping it will make up for missing your funeral."


Alex laid on her couch later that night after she had managed to convince Alaric to leave, she stared at the pills on her coffee table deciding if she should have some or leave it for another time, she needed to sleep and just maybe if she has a couple she would pass out, but what if they didn't help?

"Fuck," Alex mumbles before getting up from the couch, picking up one of the bottles and going to her bedroom, deciding she would try one, maybe two.

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