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Two weeks quickly passed since Elijah left Mystic falls to chase after his mother, and now he was back to save his brother's life once again, but at the end of the day he was too later and his brother died, or so he thought.

Everyone has seen him around town and at the Gilbert residence expect at the house across the street he once spent so much time in, The heavens knew he wanted to see her, he wanted to tell her everything that has happened in the past two weeks, but most importantly, he wanted to apologize for his behaviour and what he had said to her before he left.

He now stood in the driveway staring at her front door, her car was nowhere to be seen and the house seemed quiet, he walks towards her front door and knocks on the door waiting for her to open the door, but he heard nothing, he reaches for the doorknob breaking it open in the process, the door slowly swings open as he realizes he couldn't enter.

On the staircase he saw the black dress he had bought her for the ball lying there collecting dust, the house was completely quiet, he takes a step back before deciding to circle around the house looking for any sign of movement or life, but nothing.

"Alexandra?" Elijah calls out, he looks through the windows and saw some furniture still there. "Alexandra!" He takes out his phone and scrolls through his contacts looking for Alex's number, he taps on her name, calling her phone.

"The number you have called no longer exists." Elijah locks his phone and stares up at the house wondering where in the world she was, Santino walks past the house on his way to see his parents when he spots Elijah.

"Hey, man," Santino says loudly, Elijah turns around to face Santino and walks up to him.

"You're Santino Iglesias if I remember correctly?" Elijah asks.

"That's right," Santino says.

"A friend of Alexandra's?" Elijah asks, Santino nods his head.

"You could say that," Santino says, they hadn't spoken much in months, so he couldn't consider it much of a friendship anymore.

"I need you to tell me where she is," Elijah demands. "Is she alive?" That was what he wanted to know the most, he realized what he had said to her before he left could have triggered her, but he hoped that she was strong enough to not do anything stupid.

"I don't know," Santino says. "Nobody's seen her in two weeks and nobody's heard from her since she left."

"Left?" Elijah asks, relieved.

"Yeah, she packed everything up and took off maybe a week or two ago," Santino says.

"Did she mention where she was going and why?" Elijah asks, Santino shrugs not knowing.

"She didn't say anything, she kind of left overnight," Santino says. "She was here Sunday and then Monday she was gone." Elijah nods his head processing the information.

"Thank you, you have been of great help," Elijah says. "But unfortunately I believe it is your fault that she became an alcoholic." Elijah's entire stance changes as he glares at the young adult. "You knew well that she was underaged and yet you still bought her that poison, for what? To fuel your own desirable pleasure?"

"I didn't know she was underaged when I had met her," Santino says, becoming defensive. "And sure we fucked, but she was willing." Elijah wraps his hand around his neck, cutting off his oxygen.

"Yet when she told you how old she was you kept buying," Elijah says. "You disgust me, how could you take advantage of an underaged girl? There is no excuse for that, how many more women would have to suffer before you grow up." Elijah knew he couldn't preach, he was much older than Alex and Santino combined, but it angered him that a man had taken advantage of a young girl. "You do realize what is about to happen?"

"She was a good fuck." Santino chokes out, Elijah snaps his neck and lets him fall to the ground lifeless, he steps over Santino's body while taking out his phone.

"I believe it's time to find Mr Lopez and his son." He scrolls through the contacts on his phone. "I will find you, Ms Alexandra Zastrod, you can count on that."

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