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Alex walks into the Mystic Grill and looks around before spotting her two closest friends, a smile creeps onto her lips before making her way towards them.

"What's up boys? Anybody going to the ball tonight?" Alex asks while taking a seat at the table.

"Alex, my girl, what's happening? And what took you so long?" Jayden asks picking up a fry from his plate. "And as you can see, nothing's happening here, just eating and drinking a milkshake," Jayden says almost glaring at the milkshake in front of him, anyone could tell he hated not being able to drink alcohol but the bunch were underage and couldn't just go up to the bar and ask for a whiskey or bourbon.

"I was sleeping, Jay," Alex says taking a fry from his plate.

"I see, so is your sleep more important than us?" Tyler asks with a faint smile on his lips.

"That is my plate of fries." Jayden quickly says causing the trio to chuckle.

"To answer your question, Ty, yes... Sleep is much more important," Alex says and places the fry into her mouth.

"Back t that second question you asked," Jayden says placing his elbows on the table and leans his head against his hand. "Why are you asking the ball?"

"I was curious if you decided to go, I mean, it's basically a masked ball, nobody would even know it's us," Alex says.

"No, oh no way in hell am I putting on a tux," Jayden says protesting already, it was a formal masquerade ball which meant fancy dresses and expensive tuxedos, not their scene.

"My parents would never allow me to go, you know that," Tyler says, Alex smiles wide remembering he wasn't allowed near a ball. "Are you going?"

"Oh hell no, I don't do or wear dresses," Alex says. "I'm not even sure I own a dress," Alex states causing Jayden to smirk.

"When have you ever worn a dress?" Jayden asks, Tyler leans forward wanting to know the answer to that question.

"Perhaps when I was a baby, I don't know," Alex says letting out a sigh. "Besides, if we were to go to this ball, I was thinking that we wear some scary masks, fake blood or real," Alex says giving them a mischievous smirk.

"Fuck that's a genius idea, why didn't I think about it?" Jayden says, Tyler nods his head agreeing with Jayden.

"I know," Alex says taking another fry from Jayden's plate.

"Shouldn't the three of you be studying?" A voice said next to them, the trio turns to look at the person and saw their History teacher, Alaric Saltzman, standing there, not looking impressed.

"And shouldn't you be fucking Jenna?" Jayden fires back causing Alaric to frown, Jayden had a crush on Jenna Sommers which just so happen to be Alaric's girlfriend and the person caring for the Gilbert children after their parents died, Jenna also just so happen to be one of Alexandra's friends but not as close.

"Don't talk about her like that," Alaric says sharply, he takes in a deep breath most likely trying to calm himself. "I was just asking." He calmly states as Alex drops the fry back into the plate in front of Jayden, she gives him a sweet soft smile.

"Don't mind Jay, he hasn't been laid in a while, Mr Saltzman," Alex says turning to glare at Jayden for a moment before looking back at Alaric. "Just ignore him, and we will let you know when he is in a better mood," Alex says. "But as for now, we are just taking a quick study break before getting back behind the books." Alex easily lies, well partially lies, she knew Tyler and Jayden would never study, but she, on the other hand, wanted to get out of the town after graduating from high school, and if that meant actually giving a shit about her grades, she was willing to study and party later.

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