Meet The Family (Request): Kalin

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Name: Bianca
Hair: Brown/Black
Skin Tone: Honey Caramel
Height: 5'2" (with some attitude [Sorry, I had to])

Bianca's POV
I can't believe this is actually happening. I'm meeting Kalin's family. Current state: FREAK OUT MODE!
"Bianca everything is going to be fine," Kalin assures me.
"What if they don't like me?" I whine. "Do I look like thot? How is my hair? Will there be any hope for us?!"
Okay...I may have been a little over dramatic on that last part.
"They're going to love you," Kalin says. "If they don't, I'll still marry you."
"You haven't even proposed," I laugh.
"I'm getting there!"

 "I'm getting there!"

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(What you wore above)

We drive to the restaurant where we were meeting up with the rest of the family. I grew more and more scared with each passing minute. Kalin's hand finds its way to my thigh and he starts patting it.
"Calm. Down. You're getting stressed out over nothing."

We find a parking space and Kalin turns off the ignition. He faces me with a serious look on his face.
"You're going to be fine," he says. "Just be yourself. Not too much of yourself, but, know what I mean!"
I start giggling.
"Breathe in..."
I breathe in.
"...breathe out."
I breathe out slowly.

We repeat that a few more times before finally getting out the car. I grab Kalin's hand and give it a little squeeze. He squeezes mine back.
"Mom!" he exclaims when he sees her at the door.
She was really pretty. Now I know where Kalin gets some of his good looks from.

"Kalin!" she exclaims back.
They hug each other then, she faces me.
"You must be Bianca," she says with a huge smile on her face.
"Yup that's me," I reply smiling back.
She pulls me in for a hug and then we break.
"I'm Starlah, but you can call me Star," she says.
"It's nice to meet you," I say continuing to smile.
"Kalin talks nonstop about you, and I can see why."
"Oh really?" I respond smirking at Kalin.
"Mom!" Kalin whines.
"I'm sorry," she says. "Let's head inside. Everyone is dying to meet you, Bianca."
"I'm sure," I say bit nervous.
"Don't worry," Kalin assures me. "They're only a little crazy."
I just looked at him like he was out of his mind. He already knows how nervous I am.

We head inside of restaurant and it was gorgeous. The place was dimly lit with chandeliers scattered all over the ceiling. The walls were painted a beautiful shade of red. We walk over towards a booth where everyone else was. Star, Kalin, and me got situated and started chatting.

Everybody liked me and enjoyed my company. There were constant remarks of Kalin being a momma's boy but I didn't care. I loved everyone especially LaLa, Kalin's little sister. She was the cutest little girl ever.
"Does Bubba love you?" she asks while were outside the restaurant getting ready to go home. 
"Of course!" I respond.
"Are you guys going to get married?"
"I can't tell you yet," I say to her grinning.
"Aww," she pouts. "If you are, I wanna be the first one to know."
"Okay," I laugh.
"It was nice meeting you," Star says to me.
"It was nice meeting you too," I reply happily.
"Can I spend the night with Bianca?" LaLa asked Star innocently.
I internally squealed.
"Maybe another time," Star responded.
"Okay," she says.
"I'll see you two lovebirds later," Star says to Kalin and me.
"Bye mom!" Kalin says smiling and waving like a nut job.
"Bye!" Star says laughing.

We begin walking to the car and I was grinning ear to ear.
"I told you they'd love you," Kalin says.
"Yup," I say. "You did."
"I can't wait to meet your parents!" Kalin says excitedly.
"Yes you can," I say laughing.
Cutest family picture ever! Mama Starlah is super pretty. She is goals✔️ all the guys got nice jawlines😍 family goals😭 I'm such a slow updater😭😭 thanks school😒

Vote✔️ Commemt💬 and stay awesome👍🏾


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