I'll Be There: Myles

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Your POV
"Why would he do that to me?" you cry into Myles' shirt. You just broke up with your boyfriend that you were with for the past year and a half and Myles, your best friend, came to your aid for comfort. He cheated on you with some girl he met at a party. You were devastated and pissed when you found out.

"He doesn't deserve you," Myles says rubbing your back. "You deserve so much better."
You cried harder. The harder you cried, the harder it was to breathe and the harder it was to talk. You'll just let Myles do all the talking. He knows just what to say at the right time.
"I want ice cream," you whimper.
"I'll go get some," he says soothingly. "What kind do you want?"
"Cookie dough," you whimper again.
"Okay," he says rising off the couch. "Watch some cartoons while I'm gone. They'll make you feel better. Trust me."

He grabs his keys and walks out the door. You start watching Danny Phantom and it took your mind off the pain a bit. Myles was back within thirty minutes. He gave you your ice cream and a plastic spoon. He took out his own ice cream, which was vanilla, and began eating while watch TV with you. After you finished your ice cream, you put your head on Myles' chest and let the tears fall again.
"Hey hey hey," Myles says lifting your face. "It's okay."
You sniffle as you got lost in his dark brown eyes. They told you that everything was going to be alright. He was so soft and gentle. He wiped away your tears and embraced you.
"It's going to be okay," he says. "I'm here for you."
"Can I stay here tonight?"
"Stay as long as you need to."
"Can you lay with me?"
"I'll do anything that makes you feel better."
A comforting silence fell in as you looked into Myles' eyes once again.
"Thank you, Myles."
"No problem, y/n. I'm always here for you."

Short and sweet☺️ originally was going to be an imagine based off an Ariana Grande song but last minute changes.

One more imagine left before the special. I'm hoping to get it up on *shutters* 3/30😭 So I'm posting this, hopefully posting the last regular imagine tomorrow or Thursday, and have the special up on Friday. Then that's the end. Ugh😭 so tragic



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