Here it Comes (Request): Kalin

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Name: Varanica
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Light Skin

Varanica's POV
I screwed up. I'm pregnant and I never told Kalin. I was scared honestly to tell him. He worries a lot about me so I didn't need him having a heart attack. Although I've been carrying a basketball in my stomach for the past nine months, Kalin hasn't questioned me once. He either thinks I'm just gaining a sh!t ton of weight out of nowhere and not caring or just an airhead.

In the middle of the night, I was awaken by the bed being wet and pain in my stomach.
"K-Kalin," I said. "It's coming."
"What's coming?" he groaned sleepily. "Doritos?"
"No! The baby!"
"What baby?"
"My baby! I'M PREGNANT!"
"Hold the f*ck up!" Kalin said snapping awake and turning on the light. "You're pregnant?!"
"No sh!t Sherlock!" I exclaim. I wail in pain. "Do something!"
"'s go to the car."

Kalin helps me in the car and I groan in pain.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Kalin asks.
"I didn't want you to worry!" I reply.
"Worry?! Varanica! I'm driving ninety miles an hour trying to get you to a hospital so you can give birth to a child that you never told me you were having and you don't want me to worry?!"
"I'm sorry!"

The car all of sudden started slowing down.
"Sh!t," Kalin mutters. "We're out of gas."
"Out of gas?" I repeat. "Out of gas?!"
Kalin pulls over and the car comes to a halt.
"You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaim.
"What now?" Kalin says.
"Call someone!" I scold.
"Don't get all saucy with me because you're the one with child! Not me."

Kalin calls an ambulance while I lie out on the grass shouting in pain. I soon begin crying.
"Kalin!" I cry.
"I'm here," he says.

I was lucky enough to be wearing a night gown. I pulled off my underwear and just laid there crying. I screamed as the baby came out. I heard the baby crying.
"It's a girl!" Kalin exclaims.
He took off his sweatshirt and wrapped the baby up.

Just then, another baby came out.
"What the hell?" Kalin said aloud. "IT'S A BOY! YES!"
Kalin takes off his shirt and wraps up the second infant. An ambulance comes right after.
"It's about time," I mumbled.

The paramedics help me inside and I laid in there holding my two beautiful children.
"Next time," Kalin began. "Tell me when you're going to be having a child or children before you decide to go into labor."
"Okay," I say laughing nervously.
"What do you wanna name them?" Kalin asks changing the subject.
"Stacy and David," I respond.
"Great," Kalin said smiling. "Give me David."

I hand David off to Kalin.
"You're gonna be a basketball player just like your dad!" he said to him.
"We're going to be a great family," I say.
"You damn right we are!" Kalin exclaimed.
Hubby material!!! The worst case scenario tho. It is currently 12:34 in the morning and I'm taking my behind to bed. Deuces✌🏾️


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