OATH*: Kalin

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Your POV
You miss your best friend, Kalin. After his career took off, you almost never saw him unless he came back home and even then you didn't see him because you would be busy with your life as well. One day, you decided to go to his concert to support him and, hopefully, see him face-to-face. You invited y/f/n to come with you since she was friends with him as well.

"I can't wait to see him," you say to y/f/n.
"Me too," she replies. "I can't wait to feel his facial hair. Last time I saw him, his face was clean. He looked like a grammar school kid."
"He looked like a little baby," you laughed.

You started your car and headed to the venue for the concert. You guys get inside and get situated. You were wearing your Kalin baseball jersey and some skinny jeans and y/f/n was wearing the Myles jersey and a skirt that reached her knees. Soon, the lights dimmed and the show began. You start screaming as Kalin and Myles walk out on stage. They started performing "Reverse" and you began bobbing to the music and dancing. The concert went on and they started singing "Change My Life," your favorite song by them.


The night falls on another single summer

It's kinda cool so I put on my jumper

Yeah, it remind me of Kehlani's album cover

I might take a picture, put it on my Tumblr

Let's get it

As Myles is rapping, Kalin was looking over towards the crowd and took a double take when he saw you. He had a shocked expression on his face and you guys were eye-to-eye. He looked lost and confused. His part of the song came up and he started singing while staring at you.

Girl I'm lost when I look in your eyes (yeah yeah)

It's your talk, that walk, I'm hypnotized (yeah yeah)

You came through and caught me by surprise (yeah yeah)

I didn't know that you would change my life (yeah yeah)

The show continued and Kalin glanced over every now and then to see if you were still there and you were.

After the show, y/f/n and you went backstage to see the boys. They were surrounded by tons of screaming and crying fans and taking pictures with them.
"They look busy," you say doubtfully. "Let's get out of here."
You turn to leave and y/f/n grabs your wrist.
"Y/N look," she says pointing. You turn around slowly and Kalin is staring at you yet again. He breaks away from the girls that were gathered around him and made his way towards you. He finally gets to you and you look up at him and he looks down at you. He grabs you into a bear hug and lifts you off the ground. You cry into his shirt happily as he spun you around.

"CUDDLE BUDDY!" he exclaims.
"GREEN EYES!" you exclaim back.
"And y/f/n," y/f/n says.
"I didn't forget about you," Kalin says putting you down and lifting y/f/n up off the floor for a hug.
"Yay!" she squeals happily.
"I'm so glad you guys came out here," Kalin said still holding y/f/n.
"Well we wanted to see you and we missed you," you comment shyly.
"I missed you guys, too," he says putting y/f/n down.
"For a moment, I was starting to think you were forgetting about us," y/f/n says.
"Why would I forget about you?" Kalin questions. "You two are my best friends. Don't you remember our pact?"
"Uh yeah," you say in a "duh" tone.
"Friends till the end," y/f/n began.
"And don't forget," you continue.
"Who got you started," Kalin said.
"First," you all conclude in unison and start laughing.
"Let's get a picture," you suggest.
"Yeah," y/f/n says enthusiastically.

You hop on Kalin's back and y/f/n stands in front of him. Kalin takes your phone to take the picture since he had the longest arm. Y/F/N did a normal smile, Kalin smiled with his eyes closed and you stuck your tongue out while trying to smile through it. You do a few more poses before you get ready to leave.
"It felt so great seeing you," you say to Kalin.
"You too," he said smiling. "If you're ever feeling down, call me and no matter where I am or what happens, I'll never forget about you."
"Oh my gosh," y/f/n whines. "When did you get all mushy?"
Kalin and you laugh.
"I'll see you later," he says bending down to hug y/f/n and you.
"See ya!" you respond.
"One more thing," y/f/n says when you part from the hug.

She glides her hand along Kalin's beard then drops her arm.
"He grew hair," she nearly whispers and you break down laughing. "My baby's all grown up."
"Oh my gosh," Kalin chuckles.
"We're gonna let you go before your fans kill us," you say to him.
"They won't," he assures you. "I'll make sure of it."
"Bye Hairy!" Y/F/N says as you walk away.
"Bye y/f/n," he responds while laughing. "Bye y/n!"

He waves and you wave back. You didn't want to leave, but you knew he wouldn't forget about you, and you will never forget about him and all the times you guys shared together.
I wrote all of this just now. Goals..

My mom asked me the other day what I was listening to and I was listening to Kalin's new song and it went just like this:

Mom: who are you listening to?
Me: Kalin *breath* White

I was👌🏾close to saying "and Myles." The hardest thing for this fandom rn. Ugh😭😭


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