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Your POV
I looked skinnier than a stick when I looked at myself in the mirror. I refused to eat. I felt insecure when I did. Embarrassed was more like it. Kalin doesn't know I feel this way. He's questioned it and was concerned about me. He wanted to take me to a doctor, but I didn't want to go. I just pushed him away. I didn't want him interfering.

I walked out the bathroom and felt really dizzy. I went downstairs and drank some water, but I didn't feel any better. I ate a piece of bread and went to lay down, but that was of no use either.
"Hey y/n!" Kalin calls out. "I'm home and I brought some food!"
Mm, I thought. I guess it couldn't hurt to eat a meal. I sat up slowly and felt the room spin.
"Y/N where are you?"
"Upstairs," I said faintly. That was the last thing I said before I hit the ground with a thud.

I slowly open my eyes and I'm blinded by bright lights.
"Y/N can you hear me?" a blurred voice said.
"Who is that?" I asked mumbling.
"It's Kalin."
"Can someone shut off the lights?"
I heard shuffling and then the room went dark. Then, I saw Kalin's bright green eyes staring down at me. He looked upset, though.
"Y/N what's wrong?" he asks.
"I don't know," I say absentmindedly.
"Miss y/l/n," my nurse says walking in,"you're awake."
"Yup," I say closing my eyes.
"Is it okay if I ask you a few questions?"
"Sure," I reply sitting up.
"When was your last real meal?" she asks.

My face flushed.
"Three weeks ago," I squeak quietly.
"What?!" her and Kalin both exclaimed.
"You're lucky that you're still standing!" my nurse exaggerates. "Why haven't you been eating?"
I stayed quiet. She probably knew why, but I didn't want to say it.
"Y/N, why did you stop eating?" Kalin asked. "You never turn down food."
I wipe away a tear really fast so they wouldn't notice, but they did.
"Can you please leave for a second mister?" the nurse asks politely.
"Okay," Kalin said nervously. I can tell he didn't want to leave me there, but he did what he was told.

The nurse looks back at me and puts her clipboard down.
"Did someone make fun of your size?" she asks.
"Something like that," I reply pushing my hair back.
"What's happened?"
"I was having dinner with my family a few weeks ago and they were making fun of the way I ate and how much I ate and-" I started choking on tears, but I kept going. "-it made me feel insecure and I figured if I just starting eating less, then I'll be okay, but I just started not eating at all. They started talking about if I keep on eating like that, then I'm going to be fat and no guy will like being with a fat girl so I stopped eating."
"I see," my nurse says nodding. "Well you don't have to eat less. Just eat healthier and make better choices. Only eat when you're hungry and you'll be fine. Screw what they say." She comes towards me and puts my hands on my shoulders. "You're beautiful and don't let anyone, not even your own family, judge you by what you eat, how you act, none of that. Okay?"
I nod and felt the tears coming.
"You want me to bring him back in?" By "him" she meant Kalin.
"Yes please."

She nods and lets Kalin back in.
"I'm going to get you some food," my nurse informs me. "I'll be right back."
"Okay," I reply and she leaves Kalin and me alone.
"Y/N please tell me what's wrong," Kalin pleads. "You know you can talk to me."
I went through the entire story with him, giving him more details than I did the nurse.
"Why didn't you tell me this?" Kalin asked disappointed. I kept quiet again. "You know you can tell me anything. I won't judge you and I would never say or do anything to hurt you."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Kalin," I say.
"It's okay," he says. "Just know that you can talk to me about anything. You're a beautiful young woman and I don't want you putting yourself through that kind of suffering. Even if you were fat, I'd still hit that."
He added a wink and it made me giggle.
"You're so silly," I softly laugh.
"I try," he says. "Anything that makes you feel better."

I smile and hug him tight.
"I love you, y/n," he muffles. "I'll never stop loving you and I don't want you to ever change yourself because of someone else. You're awesome just the way you are."
"I love you too and thank you," I respond. "I don't where I would be without you."
We break from the hug and we share a small, yet passionate kiss and let the silence engulf us.
I think every girl should go into the bathroom, close the door, plug in their earbuds/phones, stand in front the mirror, and listen/sing this song to themselves right before they go to bed. Such an inspiration

Last post before I go back to I mean school😊 I go back tomorrow😑🙄 I could squeeze in one more🤔 but no promises

My baby's birthday is tomorrow😭😭😭 OMG they grow up so damn fast😭😭😭😭


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