We Didn't Mean It: Kalin

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Your POV
"Myles stop!" I laugh as he tickles me. "W-We h-h-have t-t-to finish the song!"
"Okay," he says and stops tickling me.
Yes, I'm making a song with Myles right now. We had to hurry, though. Kalin was waiting for me at home.

Myles and I were finishing writing the lyrics then we would start recording the following week.
"This is song gonna be great," I say.
"You bet," Myles says in agreement.
We look at each other.
"I'm so glad I partnered up with you," Myles says to me.
"Same with you," I reply.

Myles swerves the chair towards the refrigerator, takes out a bottle of tequila, and pours it in a glass.
"Want some?" he asks.
"Myles you know I gotta get home," I tell pointing to the door.
"Pwease?" he says in a little baby voice.
"I guess one glass can't hurt..."

Twenty minutes later...
"Oh my gosh," I say drunkly on the floor. "This is greeeaaat."
"I know right," Myles says sitting on the couch with the empty bottle in his hands.
I get up and sit on the couch next to him.
"How are we going to get home?" I slurred.
"I don't know," Myles slurs back.

We laugh a bit and look at each other. Myles leans in and plants a kiss on my lips. I had no clue what was up with me but I kissed him back.
"I can do you so much better than Kalin can," Myles groans. "I'll make sure you're begging for more."
We kiss again and...well...let's just say one thing led to another and I had a hard time trying to walk home.

I come in through the door to see Kalin sitting on the couch. He was displeased with my entrance.
"Y/N!" he scolds. "Where have you been and why do you smell like alcohol?"
"I was drinking," I slur giggling.
"How did you get home?!"
"I walked! How else did you think I get home?"
"You need to go to sleep."
"No!" I say defiantly.

I jump in his arms and kiss him.
"I want you Kalin," I moan.
"Y/N. Sleep. Now."
"I know you want me, Kalin," I say seductively. I kiss his neck. "Cmon Baby K."
Kalin carries me upstairs and tries to pry me off of him.
"Y/N. Please."
"Kalin. Please," I mimic him.
He finally gets me off him.
"Geez how many drinks did you have?"
"I don't know," I slur laughing.
"Just get some rest, okay?"

Kalin turns around to leave. I cut him off and close the door.
"You're not going anywhere, mister!" I scold.
"Y/N!" Kalin snaps. "You're drunk and you need to go to sleep!"
"NO!" I scream. I grab him by his collar, swing him around, and pin him to the door. "I NEED YOU INSIDE ME NOW!"
I smash my face into his. He couldn't resist at that point. I jump and wrap my legs around his torso. We fall back on the bed with me on top of him. I hop up and down in his lap and felt his friend come alive.
"Quit being a tease," Kalin whined.
He flips us over.
"I'm in control now," Kalin growled.
"You're the boss," I slur.

Next morning...
I woke up hungover. Last night was one big blur. I felt my stomach churn, and I dash to the bathroom just in time. Kalin comes in and rubs my back as I continue puking.
"What happened last night?" I groan.
"You came home drunk," Kalin reminded me.
"Right," I say.

The following week...
I didn't feel any better. If anything, I felt worse. I puked constantly and barely ate a thing for the past week.

"You okay?" Myles asks me after recording the first verse of the song.
"No," I groan. "What did we do last week again?"
"We finished writing the song lyrics..." Myles said contemplating.
"We had some tequila and...oh dear..."
"What did we do?!"
"We slept together, Myles!" Myles went pale. "Oh my gosh! I slept with my boyfriend's best friend?!"
"I slept with my best friend's girlfriend?!"

We both start screaming.
"How do we tell him?" I ask panicking.
"F*ck telling him!" Myles snaps. "The real problem is how are we supposed to go on like this?! Did we use protection?"
"No!" I exclaim. "Kalin and I f*cked that same night, too!"
"We messed up big time."
"I'm such a h*e," I say as I start crying,"and I don't feel well."
"You think you could be pregnant?"
"Could be pregnant?!" I repeat. "I am pregnant!"
"We don't know for sure, though."
"I'll be right back," I say rushing out.

I run to the closet CVS and grab some pregnancy tests and two water bottles.
"You got tests?" Myles questioned.
"Yeah," I reply.
I take three tests and wait for the results. All of them came back as positive.
"There's a fifty-fifty chance it's mine," Myles says absentmindedly. "Kalin's gonna kill me!"
"Well you don't live with him!" I snap.
"What do we do?" Myles asks.
"Tell him."
"Myles we have to!"

We sit there in intense silence.
"I don't think I wanna finish the song today," Myles says.
"Me neither," I reply.
We sat there for maybe ten minutes without saying anything.
"Let's go," I say getting up. "Sitting here and waiting isn't going to make it any better."

Thirty minutes later...
Kalin's POV
I see y/n and Myles come in through the door.
"Back so soon?" I ask them.
"Yeah," Myles replies.
"I can't wait to hear the song."
"Yeah," y/n says in a shaky tone.
I rise up off the couch.
"What's going on?"
"Kalin," y/n begins. "I'm pregnant."
"Really?!" I say excited. I lift her up and swing her around. "This is great! I'm going to be a father!"
"Yay!" Y/N squeaked.

Myles' POV
Kalin was so happy. We couldn't tell him. Not like this. Ruining his happiness now would be a crime. I put on a fake smile for him.
"I'm so proud of you guys!" I say.
"I can't wait!" Kalin says.
"I can," I muttered quietly so no one would hear me.

It killed me inside to see him so happy and not knowing what y/n and I did last week. Hopefully he's the father and I'm not.
Kalin looks genuinely sad in that picture. He just like "man I wanna go home, eat, and sleep forever!" (Ignore my randomness and craziness)

Part II?

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