Roommates: Kalin

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Your POV
"OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh," you said in a panicky tone. It was your first day of college and you were nervous as hell. You didn't know who your roommate was or whether they were going to be tolerable. didn't even know where your dorm was.
"Y/N calm down!" your mom tells you.
"Mom I can't!" you squeak.
"You're going to be fine! You're a smart girl and a good person. You'll make a lot of friends."
You started to calm down a bit. Hearing this from your mom is easier than telling yourself this stuff.

You pull up to the campus and your heart dropped to your stomach.
At least I'm away from my brothers.
You get your stuff out of the car and go find your dorm. Luckily you typed the dorm number in your phone before you forgot it. The dorms seemed to be so far away, but you made it. You opened the door to your room and was amazed. The room itself wasn't the best looking at the moment. A little paint and decoration could fix that. It just felt so weird that you were going to be staying somewhere other than home, but it felt amazing at the same time.

Your room

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Your room

You put your stuff down and face your mom. She was tearing up.
"My baby is all grown up," she says. "Come here."
She pulls you into a hug and you cry with her.
"I wish Dad was here to see this," you say pulling away from the hug a bit.
"He is," your mom replies. "Right in here."
She points to your chest. You nod in understanding and pull her into another hug.
"I'm so proud of you," she muffles in your hair. "You're going to do great things."
You pull away, smiling.
"I love you," you say to her. "Thanks for always being there for me."
"I love you, too," she says. "You're growing up to be a beautiful young woman." She strokes your hair. "You call me every day or text me to let me know you're okay."
"Okay," you say nodding.
"Okay," she repeats. "Bye college girl."
"Bye college mom," you respond laughing. "Tell the boys I miss them already."
"I will," she says grinning. She walks out the room giving you one last wave before actually leaving.

You wipe away your tears and begin to unpack.
You put your clothes away and put family pictures and your laptop on one of the desks in the room. Soon, you hear a knock on the door. You look up and see a tall lightskin standing at the door with his luggage.
"Hey is this Room 229?" he asked.
"Yeah," you respond. "Who are you?"
"I'm Kalin," he says happily.
"I'm y/n," you reply with a slight smile.
"Hey you guys still gotta help me out!" Kalin calls out to someone or someones in the hall.
Two guys come in and help Kalin with his things.
"Damn Kalin," a short guy said. "You're going to college. Not moving!"
"Right," another guy, who was taller, said.
They each held two suitcases and looked to be struggling with them.
"You know I carry my shoes in one bag, my underwear in another, and my clothes in another.
This dude has five suitcases and I only packed two and a backpack!

"Hey who is this?" The taller guy said picking up a picture frame with a picture of your family from a few years ago on it.
"Please don't touch that," you begged snatching the frame away from him.
"Who is she?" the taller guy asked Kalin.
"This is my roommate, y/n," Kalin informs them. "Y/N, this is Connor..." he points to the taller guy. "...and Myles." He points to the shorter guy.
"Hi," you say slightly irritated and put the picture back in its rightful place.
"Thanks for helping me you guys," Kalin says to Myles and Connor.
"No problem," Myles responds. "Don't get too lit."
"Or have too much fun," Connor says wiggling his eyebrows at you. You make a disgusted face and roll your eyes.
"See you later," Kalin says to Connor and Myles. They wave and file out the room.

"We're going to have so much fun," Kalin said excitedly.
"Yeah," you say with fake enthusiasm.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Just homesick."
"Already? You just got here. Let's go to the cafeteria or something."
"I'm fine," you say. "I'll just stay here and relax."
"Gotcha," he says. He dashed out the room, closing the door behind him. You sit at your desk and play around on your computer. After a while, you decided to make a video of yourself singing. You do this every now and then when you're bored, when you feel the inspiration, or both. You wanted to make it short and sweet, so you did the "Intro" from Ariana Grande's album My Everything.

I'll give you all I have

And nothing less I promise

Love me and don't look back

I want you with me on this road to the sky

We'll be shining every night I promise you

Just me and you

Oh I promise you

"Whoa," someone says. You snap your head in the direction of the voice and see Kalin standing there with two cheeseburgers and two large drinks.
"Uh...I," you stammer.
"THAT WAS TOTAL WICKED!" he screamed like the kid from The Incredibles.
"T-Thank you," you stuttered.
"You're welcome," he responds. "I sing too, by the way."
"Oh cool," you say. "Sing something."
"Maybe later."
"Aww," you whine adding a sad puppy dog look.

He laughs and looks down at the food he brought.
"I brought this for you," he said. "I figured you'd be hungry."
"Thanks," you say taking the food from him.
"Anytime," he replies. "And after this, we can go out."
"Out where?"
"Just out. Does it matter where? You're free to do what you please! No parents, no-"
"Well yeah," you say interrupting him. "It just feels so weird not being around my mom, y'know?"
"I guess," Kalin says shrugging and taking another bite of his burger.

You turn in your chair and stare at the family portrait Connor picked up earlier. It was your mom, dad, and brothers in casual clothing smiling like a normal, happy family, at which you were. You started tearing up at the sight.
"We could go downtown and-" Kalin began and he saw you crying.
"What's wrong?" he asks a bit concerned.
"Nothing," you reply wiping away your tears quickly. "It's just...I miss my mom and my dad...well...he died right before I graduated middle school."
"I'm so sorry," he said.
"It's fine," you say rising from the desk. "Now what were you saying about going downtown?"
"We're going to get ice cream," Kalin says grinning. "Now we can do this the easy way or the fun way."
"What's the fun way?" you ask grinning back.

"Woohoo!" you shout as you ride down the highway on Kalin's motorcycle.
"Now this is the fun way to get ice cream!" Kalin shouts back.
I have the best roommate in the history of roommates. These next four years are going to be awesome.

Once upon a lifetime...I knew this entire rap. I heard this at five o'clock in the morning and was awaken and surprised. This just blew me away.

Edited 4/1/17


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