Popular: Remake/Reverse

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I didn't feel like rewriting the entire thing in the first book. I'm so lazy😂 If you read the original version of "Popular" (which kinda made no sense), then you'll understand the "reverse" part in the title (hopefully). Enjoy!
Your POV
"Ugh!" I groan walking to class. "So many books!"
"I know right!" Y/F/N groans next to you.
"School just started!" I whine.
"Yesterday," y/f/n continued.
"F*ck this bullsh*t," I mutter to myself.
"I'll see you later girl," y/f/n says.
"See ya," I reply and we go our separate ways.

I walk into Chemistry and take a seat in the very back. The teacher was boring as hell so I figured I'd get some sleep. I was up all night doing homework and a sister's tired. I need this time to myself to sleep. As I'm getting myself situated for my fifty-minute nap, some jerk shouts,"Wake up!" in my ear and slams a book by me. I snap up and come face-to-face with the person I needed to possibly strangle after school. It was Kalin White. School's most popular guy, country's biggest a**hole, and world's biggest f*ckboy. Someone just take me now!
"Hey, y/n," he says smirking and sitting next to me.
"Hi," I reply irritably. "What do you want?"
"You," he says slyly and takes the seat next me.
If this dude does not get away from me in the next five seconds...
"Everyone take your seats," the teacher says.

A guy with a poof on his head sits in front of me. I had never seen him before. He must be new. Why wasn't he here yesterday then?
"So today we will be blah blah blahing you will be working with blah blah blah and..."
I had already drifted to sleep and woke up to the poofy headed guy facing me.
"What the hell?" I say to myself.
"Are you y/n?" he asks nervously.
His eyes were a pretty shade of brown. His nose was a bit crooked, but it works well with his face.
"Yeah," I reply taking a piece of gum out of my bag, unwrapping it, and popping it in my mouth.
"Want one?" I offer.
"No thanks," he says. "You actually can do that?"
"Nah. I just get away with it a lot."
"Oh cool," he says.
"What's your name?" I ask changing the subject.

"Look who finally decided to wake up," Kalin says to me.
"Look who finally decided which girl he's going to f*ck next," I mimic.
"Woah there," Myles says chuckling.
"Sorry about that," I say turning my attention back to him. "So what are we supposed to be doing?"
"I have no idea," Myles replies. "I stopped listening."
"Same here. This class is boring."

The bell rings shortly after.
"No homework class," the teacher announces.
I didn't hear anything else after that. I was already out the classroom.

I was standing at my locker putting my books away and started making my way towards the cafeteria. The way I would normally go had a big crowd surrounding two guys. I managed to get close enough to see the f*ckboy closing in on Myles.
"You think you all that because you're new and that you can swoop in and take my girl, y/n?" Kalin said pushing him up against the lockers.

I'm not his girl. Strike one. I don't like the way he's treating Myles right now. Strike two.
"I-It wasn't like that," Myles stammered. "I was just-"
"Excuses excuses," Kalin says. He grabs Myles by the collar and lifts him up off the ground. Wow! Was he short! "You're gonna wish you hadn't talked to her." Strike three.

"Hey!" I call out before Kalin threw a punch at Myles' face. Everyone turns and stares at me with confused looks. "Leave him alone!" I push through the crowd towards Kalin. "Put him down."
"Fine," Kalin replies and purposely drops Myles.
The crowd dispersed and Kalin nudges me as he walks by.
"Are you okay?" I ask Myles.
"Yeah," he responds getting up off the ground and wiping himself off. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," I say. "You wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?"
"I'd love to," Myles says happily and we walk to the cafeteria together.

At the end of the day...
I'm standing at my locker getting my books and everything I needed to do homework when my locker door closes all of a sudden. I turn to see the f*ckboy once again.
"If you don't get the hell away from me..." I begin.
"What are you going to do, huh?" Kalin pins me the lockers. "I know you want me."
"Get away from me!" I exclaim, squirming to break free.
"Get away from her man," a familiar voice says.
Myles came over a pulled Kalin away from me.
"Don't touch me!" Kalin exclaimed before swinging at Myles.
Myles ducks and punches Kalin in the face. By now, a crowd had formed and everyone was yelling,"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Once the administrators showed up, everyone scattered. I grabbed my books and dragged Myles out the school.
"That was amazing, Myles," I say. "Thanks for helping me back there."
"Well you went out of your way to help me," Myles says. "I figured I return the favor."
I grin and kiss him on the cheek. He turned red and started smiling.
"You want me to walk you home?" he asked.
"Sure," I reply.
What a gentleman!
Much better!


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