Manager: Cam

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Your POV
"He's gonna think twice before putting me on 'house arrest,'" I mutter to myself while using a bobby pin to unlock the front door.
My so-called manager punished me by not letting me leave the house. Since I'm a reckless soul and have broken out multiple times, he put me on "house arrest." This translates to: "I'm going to lock every door and window in this house so you can't go out and live your life since I don't have one."

He keeps saying,"You're a singer. You have a career. You don't need to be around bad influences." Okay, Cam (he hates when I call him that. He prefers Fairfax), step inside the school you sent me to and see how many "bad influences" are in there. People smoke weed, make graffiti, and do the deed during school hours in the f*cking bathroom. The irony, I swear. He got me a tutor, but I chased her away...just like my other four tutors he had to get me after that. Then he just sent me to a mainstream school, which only made matters worse.

"Got it!" I exclaim in triumph.
I text y/f/n and tell her to pull up. I hop in her car and we ride off.
"He is such an a**!" I rant.
"It's official," y/f/n agrees. "Why would he lock you inside the house like that? That's stupid as hell. You're only being a teenager. This is what a teenager does."
"I'm almost an adult!" I add. "Soon, I won't need him and I can do whatever I want."
"Exactly! Why can't he see that?"

My phone starts vibrating and I pick it up only to see the a**hole calling me.
"Speak of the devil," I say and hold up my phone.
Y/F/N glances over at the phone and back at the road.
"Don't answer it," she says. "He'll learn his lesson."
"You're right," I say mischievously.
I decline the call and turned off my phone. He's going to learn today for sure.

Six hours later...

I really didn't think this plan through too well. I forgot that I only unlocked the front door and not the back door or windows. Luckily, I still had ten other bobby pins I could use. I look inside from the back door to see if anyone was inside. No one. Perfect. I play around with the lock for a few minutes before finally opening it. I scurry around the corner and up the stairs in hopes that Cam wasn't home.
"Y/N!" I heard someone scold. Sh!t. "Come here."

Slowly, I turn around and see Cam standing there with his arms crossed. I make my way down the stairs and stand in front of him.
"Where were you?" he interrogated.
"Out," I say as if it was no big deal. Which it wasn't. "Why?"
"You never answered my calls."
"Yeah, Fairfax. I'm aware of that."
"Then why didn't you answer?"
"Because I didn't care."
That's when the conversation headed in a direction I thought it would never in a million years go. His eyes turned hella dark and his face was red.

"You know what this says to me?" he spat.
I didn't know if that was a rhetorical question or an actual question, but I wasn't answering either way. He looked way too scary right now.
"This says," he began,"'F*ck you, Fairfax! I'm doing whatever the f*ck I want and I don't care about the consequences of my actions!'" I started giggling when he said Fairfax.
"This isn't f*cking funny, y/n!" he said raising his voice. My smile quickly faded. "You don't show any respect for me and what the hell I do for you! I bust my a** everyday to make sure you stay on top of your career and try to stop you from making a damn fool out of yourself and what do you do? You don't listen to me, you sneak out the house at odd hours of the night, and talk back like you have all the f*cking answers! Well guess what, hot shot? You don't know sh!t! You think, 'I'm a teen. I know everything there is to know!' Well you need to stop f*cking thinking that way because you won't get anywhere in life with that attitude. Without me, you're nothing! Nada! Believe or not, you need me! So stop treating me like sh!t!"

My eyes filled with tears and I ran to my room, locking my door. I text y/f/n and asked her to come over. A few minutes later, she was at my window.
"Hey what happened?" she asked quietly.
"Cam happened," I respond still terrified.
"What did he do this time?"
"He exploded."
"What do you mean?" (A/N: here I go again with the JB references. I gotta stop)
I explained to her everything that happened and she was in shock herself.
"Oh my gosh," she whispers.
"He looked as if he could've stabbed me," I say.
"He might as well have."
"Then you wouldn't have a best friend."

"Y/N?" I heard Cam say.
I push y/f/n in my closet, shut the door, and fall on my bed. There was a knock at the door.
"Y/N?" Cam said on the other side of the door.
"Yes?" I respond in a shaky voice.
"Can you open the door?"
Without a word, I get up and crack the door open.
"Are you hungry?" he asks.
"What do you want?"
"It doesn't matter."

Cam was about to leave when he turned back to me still in my room with the door cracked.
"I...I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't mean to blow up like that."
"No, Fairfax," I assure him. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to treat you the way I do. I'll try not to be an a** to you anymore."
"Okay," he chuckles. "You can call me Cam."
I grin. He's about to leave again when he shouts,"Hey y/f/n!"
"Damn," I say to myself.
He knew she was in there. I really got to work on the "sneaking-friends-inside-the-house" thing.

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