Chapter 7.

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***Lauren's POV***

After Maya leaves I fall back asleep. Not my best choice. Ever since the night we got taken from the drop ship I've been having a reoccurring nightmare. I'm in the drop ship alone and I push the button watching all of my friends burn and die.

Again I wake up sweating. I had four hours of sleep. Good enough for me. I get up and stretch. I then start doing my exercise routine. I do seventy-five push ups, one hundred seventy-five sit ups, one hundred pull ups, and one hundred fifty crunches. Once I'm done I'm sweating like crazy.

I bag on my door. Nobody comes. I bang again and again. Nobody. I keep banging until someone comes. That someone is Cage. "What's up?" He asks me.

"I want to shower. But I'm locked in here." I say.

Cage nods his head. "Okay. Wait here." I nod my head. Five minutes past and he comes back with some new clothes. "Follow me."

I nod and follow. We walk down the hallway, take a couple of turns and reach the elevator. We go past the elevator and down two more halls until we reach a bathroom. He opens the door and I walk in. "Don't try to escape Lauren. I will be waiting out here."

"Aw Cage. Can't you trust family?" I fake smile and shut the door. I lock it.

Twenty-seven steps, one right, thirteen steps, left, nineteen steps, left, thirty-six steps, right, fourteen steps, elevator. Interesting. I turn on the shower and step in. I don't remember the last time I showered.

I take a long refreshing shower. When I mean long, I mean I took a hour and thirty minute shower. I get dressed in the new clothes. Pants, combat boots, tank top, long sleeved shirt, Bellamy's jacket. I sigh when I reach his jacket. I grab it but don't put it on.

When I come out Cage is sitting on the floor across from the door throwing a ball at the wall next to it. I don't notice it until it is coming right at me. I grab it in mid-air. He raises and eyebrow at me. I shrug.

I toss him the ball. "What time is it?" I ask him.

He looks at his watch, "4:28 in the morning." He says. I nod my head.

"Why are you up then?" I ask him.

He looks at me with a look that says, 'because of you'. "Because nobody wants to deal with you and your attitude."

I laugh and shrug my shoulders. "Yeah. I have that problem wherever I go."

Cage gets up and nods. "Well let's go back to your room."

My smile fades and I nod my head. "Okay." We walk back to my cell.

Once we enter I sit on my bed. "Can I see my people yet?" I ask.

Cage sighs. "I don't know."

I nod my head. "Well then can I at least write them a note that I can give to Maya to give to them? You can read it. I just want them to know I'm okay. I won't mention Clarke at all. I will say I'm sick."

Cage thinks it over. He eventually nods his head. "Okay. Write your note and give it to Maya. She will bring it to your friends."

"You're not going to read it?" I ask.

He shakes his head no. "I'm not the enemy Lauren."

I nod. Cage leaves. Good. This is my chance to warn my friends.

I sit on my bed and start my notes. At what I assume is 8 there is a knock on my door. It opens and Maya walks in with breakfast and a box.

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