Chapter 16.

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***Bellamy's POV***

I see Clarke walk back into camp. I walk towards her and her mom. Finn comes over too. "Is there a chance for a truce."

Clarke nods. "Yes. They want you." She says toward Finn.

They what? Clarke continues, "If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn."

Raven walks forward. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"That's their offer." Clarke says.

"That's not an offer. It's a punishment." Finn says. "For what happened at the village. Blood for blood."

"That's insane. If we refuse?" Raven asks. Then all hell breaks loose. Everything happens so fast. People start yelling and Raven starts punching. I grab her and push her behind me. The guy she was attacking got up, I hit him the the stomach with my gun. Raven gets arrested and everybody goes their separate ways.

I walk with Clarke to try and find Finn. He is sitting outside with Murphy. "Hey." I say to them as we near. "We're reinforcing our defenses. Doubles on the perimeter. No ones getting pasted that wire."

Finn gets up. "I'll see where they're thin."

I cut him off. "You should stay inside." He looks at me shocked. "B corridor will be the easiest to defend if it comes to that."

"I'm not going to hide." He says to me.

Clarke steps in. "Right now we have to think about keeping you safe. I'm going to go talk to Lincoln."

Finn doesn't move. "Come on." I say to him. He looks at Clarke and then walks towards me.

We start walking towards the corridor. "We're gonna figure something out." I say to him.

He looks back at Clarke as we walk. He sighs. "Yeah."

He then looks back at me. "Do you miss her?"

I raise my eyebrow at him as we walk inside. "Lauren?" I ask. My chest hurts when I mention her name.

Finn nods her head. "Yeah. Do you miss her?"

I clear my throat. "Yeah, actually I do."

Finn nods again. "Would you do anything to get her back?"

We stop walking and I face him. "Yeah. I would." I say to him.

He nods his head. "I'm going to go see if Clarke needs my help. I will come back later."

He nods and keeps walking. I walk away and towards medical bay. When I get there shock takes over my body. Sitting in one of the beds is my blonde haired friend. I walk over to him. "Pat?" I ask.

He looks at me and smile. "Hey Bellamy!"

"What happened?" I ask. He has a bandage on his forehead.

"When the fight broke out I was in the middle of it and someone hit me. I fell and almost got stepped on. My head started bleeding and Murphy picked me up and brought me here." He says.

I nod my head and sit on his bed. "You're going to be okay, right?" I ask him.

He nods his head and smiles. "Yeah. Aunt Abby says I should be able to leave soon."

I smile at him. "Okay." All of a sudden pounding comes from outside. I jump off the bed, so does Patrick.

"Stay here." I say to him.

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