Chapter 14.

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***Bellamy's POV***

Octavia and I carried Lincoln back to the drop ship. I chain his hands and feet down so he can't attack us. He is still unconscious.

"What now Bell?" My little sister asks me worried.

I walk over to her and put my hands on her shoulders. "I'm going to go get Clarke so she can help. Stay here and make sure he doesn't get loose okay?"

She nods her head. "Just hurry Bell."

I nod my head and climb down the ladder. Once I'm outside I look around. Just over a week ago we all were having fun, drinking, laughing, not caring. Now it looks like a black cloud fell on top of it. I sigh.

I start to run. I don't stop until I come to the camp. When I get there Abby Griffin is delivering a speech. I look for Clarke. She is in the front of the group. I make my way to her.

Once her mom is done talking Clarke starts to walk away. I grab her arm and make her face me. "Hey where have you been?" She asks me.

"In the drop ship. You need to come back with me." I say.

"What? Why? What happened?"

"I'll explain on the way. Bring a med kit. Meet me at Raven's gate." I start to walk away. Clarke says something to Finn and goes to get supplies.

I'm waiting at the gate. "Bellamy!" I hear a voice call.

I look over to see Patrick running at me. "What's up Pat? Everything okay? I have to go once Clarke gets here."

He nods his head. "I want you to have this back. So when you find my sister you can give it back to her." He unclasps the locket and hold it in his hands.

He then sighs and gives it to make. I take it from him. I clip it on around my neck and tuck it into my shirt. I then kneel in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders. 

"Look at me bud." I say to him. He looks at me with those big blue eyes that match his sisters. "I will bring Lauren home to you. She will be okay. And you guys will be a family again. Both of you. You want to know why?" I ask him.

He nods his head. "Because of a saying that you both say. Unus pro omnibus."

Patrick's eyes go wide and he smiles as he finishes the quote. "Omnes pro uno."

I smile at him. "Okay." He says to me.

"Bell you ready?" Clarke asks from behind me.

I nod my head. We crawl through the gate. I turn around and see Pat standing there. I smile and Clarke and I start running. As we are running I explained what happened once we left the group.

We arrive at the drop ship and climb up the ladder to Lincoln. I see Octavia sitting in the corner. Lincoln starts yelling at us, well more like growling at us.

He lunges at us and Clarke jumps. "It's okay. He's restrained."

Octavia is sitting there. She looks up at Clarke. "Can you help him?"

Clarke shakes her head. "I don't know." She sighs, "I knew Mount Weather controlled the reapers. I had no idea they were making them."

I sigh. "If they can do that to Lincoln, what are they doing to our friends?"

Lincoln starts grunting and his arms gets freed from the restraints. He attacks me. He is on top of me and punching me.

I'm trying to block as many blows as I can. People are yelling and Octavia hits Lincoln, making him go unconscious. I roll him off of me. "We have to constrain him again. Better."

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