Chapter 29.

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***Laurens POV***

There is a knock on my door when food is delivered. If the guard wasn't Smith or Toohey I would kill them. But I've gotten to know them and they aren't bad guys.

"I'm not hungry." I say as I keep throwing my knives. They don't stop me.

They place my food down and leave. I sit on the floor and sigh. I look down at my clothes. I haven't changed in a while. Gross.

Going to the corner I pick up my change of clothes. I strip from my old t-shirt, coat and jeans and throw them into the corner.

I grab my black jeans and slide them on. I put my black long sleeved shirt with a red stripe on next. I grab new socks and my belt. I lace up my black combat boots and run my fingers through my hair to get out big knots.

I tuck three knives into my belt, two in my shoes, and hold the last one in my hands. I feel empty.

I go over to the pillow that's now on the floor and grab the jacket. I slide it on and take a deep breath. The smell of Bellamy runs through my nose.

My heart clenches. I miss him so much. I shake my head to try and get rid of him before I make myself sad.

I take the final knife and shove it in the pocket on the sleeve. There, now I'm ready for battle.

Suddenly, Cage comes on the P.A. System. "My fellow citizens, this is your president speaking. I have news to share with you that will change all of our lives forever. For 97 years, Mount Weather has been our home. It's kept us alive, but it has also held us captive. Most of us have made peace with what we've had to do to survive. We've done these things for one reason... so that our people could someday return to the ground. That day is today."

Fuck. He's trying to make them turn against us. He can't.

Cage continues his rant. We're so screwed. I start pacing. I need to help. Do something to get out of here. I can't just sit here along. I start pounding on the door.

Fifteen minutes past and there is no answer. I start using the broken lamp to try and bust the door down. It's no use.

I crumble. I'm stuck here. To make things worse another message comes through the speakers.

"Attention. Class one quarantine protocols are now in effect. All citizens must report to level 5 immediately. Hard seal lockdown in T-minus 30 minutes and counting."

I freeze. They are all retreating. They are going to leave me here. Alone. I'm going to die. Here. Alone.

I walk over to the far corner in my room and sit facing the wall. It's over. It's finally over. I'm done.

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