Chapter 2.

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***Bellamy's POV***

Yes you read that correctly. The second part of the story is going to be in Bellamy's POV.

I don't stop running. Finn and I got separated after the blast. I keep running until I hear someone call my name.

"Bellamy?" A girls voice ask.

I turn to see Monroe. "Get back down." I call back. Sterling and her quietly walk over to me and crouch.

"You were followed?" She asks me.

I get annoyed easily. "Quiet. Have you seen Finn?" I ask.

Monroe then asks, "Finn's alive?"

I roll my eyes to myself. No dumb ass. I asked because he is dead. "He was. We got separated. We knew the fire was coming, so, we ran, but one of them followed. How'd you guys get out?"

Monroe answers with, "We- we saw the Ark come down and we thought we would go get help."

Sterling then says. "Piece of it came that way. Monroe thinks it Mecha but I-"

I roll my eyes. I don't care. "Follow me. Stay low and quiet."

They nod their heads. We see a grounder on a horse dragging Finn and Kyle. They are too far to hear so we watch. Kyle falls and doesn't get back up. Finn says something and the Grounder goes over and slits Kyle's throat.

I have to help Finn. Monroe, Sterling and I all walk for a bit until we get ahead of Finn. I turn to them. "We have to attack. I know you're scared but we can do this. We are warriors."

Monroe asks, "How?" Clearly she is scared.

I smile. "We attack as a team. When he goes for me, Monroe goes for Finn. Once he's free, it's four on one."

Sterling asks, "What do I do?"

I smile again. "Try not to die. Ready. One, two, three!" I run out of the woods and towards the Grounder. "Hey!" He stops and I attack him.

I hear Finn yell, "Bellamy, get out of here!"

I ignore him and continue attacking the grounder. He soon hits me and I realize I'm all alone. Monroe and Sterling are no where to be found.

I am now tied to the back of a horse with Finn. We have been walking for twenty minutes. I'm tired and sore. I keep falling. Finn leans down and says, "You have to stay on your feet. He will kill you if you don't."

I nod my head and try to stand. As soon as I do we hear people yelling. We turn to see Sterling and Monroe running towards us. The Grounder draws his sword. He is about to strike when a gun shot goes off. The Grounder got shot in the chest. Then he gets shot in the head. Finn and I drop to the ground.

A few moments later and the bushes rumble. Out steps Kane. He was on the council. Then a couple of guards and Abby Griffin step out. I'm clutching my chest. I'm pretty sure I have bruised ribs. She comes over to me. "Are you alright?"

I nod my head. "Yeah. We have to get to the drop ship." I say.

Abby nods her head. "My daughter. Where's Clarke? Is she okay?"

Finn answers. "She was when we left her." Abby nods her head.

We start walking when Kane tells some one to take everyone back to Alpha Station and for only a couple of them to follow.

Finn and I lead the guards towards the drop ship. When we are almost there Kane tells us to stay where we are and he goes into camp. Five minutes past and I give Finn a look. He nods his heads and we run into one of the tunnels and into camp. When we get there rage takes over my body.

"You murdering son of a bitch." I say as I jump I top of Murphy. I then start beating the shit out of him.

Next thing I know is electricity goes through my body and I lose control. Someone hit me with a guards stick. They hurt like a bitch. I then am arrested. Great.

Finn yells, "Wait. You don't understand. Murphy murdered two of our people. He shot another one. He tried to hang Bellamy."

Kane doesn't care, he says, "I don't care. You are not animals. There are rules. Laws. You are not in control here anymore."

Abby then comes out of the drop ship with Raven and Finn runs to her side. This is bull shit. Why am I getting arrested.

I sit on a log with my hands cuffed behind my back. A couple of minutes pass when Finn comes over to me.

"We're leaving." He says to me.

"What? This is where they will come back." I say to him.

"I don't think they're coming back. The Grounders took them and you know that. Look- we go with Kane to Alpha Station, we get reinforcements, weapons, then we find our friends." He says to me.

I nod my head. "One question. How many more of us will be dead by then?"

We both look over at Raven. "Abby says she is going to need surgery." Kane then goes over to Abby and they start talking. Soon we all are walking towards Alpha Station.

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