Chapter 27.

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***Laurens POV***

I hate being alone. I hate being desperate and away from my friends.

I want to get out of here. I want to see my friends. I want this all to end.

I want to see Maya.

And Monty.
















Everyone. I want to get out of here.

I need to get out of her. Someone needs to help me. I can't be alone. My friends can't die.

This is not okay. They need to do something soon. We need to fight back. They have to pay for what they've done. They have to pay for torturing my friends.

Cage needs to pay. He deserves the worst.

If I ever get out of here and see him again I swear to god I'm going to kick his ass.

I look around my room. I need to do something, prepare. I smile to myself. I take the lamp that is in the corner of the room. I unplug it and take the shade off of it.

I then start doing what I do best, raise hell. I raise it over my head and smash it against the floor. Glass shatters all over the floor. I smile again. I go over to my easel and lean it against my bed-frame. I step on it to smash it into smaller pieces.

I take the sheet off of my bed and start ripping it into small shreds. I grab pieces of wood that I can fit in my hand comfortably. I grab the sheet and walk over to the shreds of glass.

I sit on the floor where there isn't any and start to gather the larger pieces. I tie the glass to the wood with the sheet.

I make six of them. It takes a little while but they will do. I take my foot and brush the rest of the shards to the corner.

I take my mattress and push it up against the wall. Using my pencils I make a target. I go as far away from my bed as possible and start throwing my makeshift, makeshift knives. I smile when my first knife hits the target. My finger starts to bleed but it is worth it.

I'm so ready for a fight.

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