~Chapter three

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There was no time, if Hans woke up and Jack and I were in that house we would be dead by lunch time. I didn't mean to knock him out like that it just happened. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing when he was hurting my friend. Jack may act like a badass at some points, but he is not a bad person at all.

Jack got two suitcases down from the attic and he started to pack up some clothes and weapons. I grabbed Jack's backpack and dumped everything out of it. I didn't have much so I just stuffed it all into the bag and the two pairs of shoes I couldn't I tied the laces on the straps of the bag to carry. I slipped on my black leather boots and went to find Jack.

"Jack?" I walked into his room. Hans was still on the floor. I froze in the doorway. I didn't hear Jack in the bathroom, but I didn't want to go check either. "Jack?"

"Come on we need to get out of here." His words made me jump. I turned around and saw him starting to go down the stairs. He looked at me and for a second it felt like we were going to be ok. I nodded to him and took a deep breath.

Suddenly I was pulled into Jack's room and the door was slammed shut. I heard Jack scream. I yelled to him, but he couldn't open the door. I was thrown by my bag to the wall. "You bitch." Hans walked towards me. His eye looked bruised and he had cuts on his face.

I couldn't breath and my heart pounded in my chest. I thought it was going to jump out and start tap dancing it was that hard. His eyes were wild and I instantly knew I was probably not going to make it out of here alive. "JAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could. He was banging on the door, "ARRRRIIIIAAA!!! I'M HERE!!!"

Hans started to laugh. "You're not leaving this house so easily. Falling in love with an owner is not so good is it?" It actually made me laugh a little because he thought that I was in love with Jack and that's why I beat him. No, for once in my life someone stood up for me and I couldn't stand there and let them take any crap. I finally stood up to him and now I'm not afraid. It's time to take a stand and show him what I've learned from these past months.

I got up quickly, never taking my backpack off my shoulders. Hans pushed me against the wall and I swung at him. I hit him in ear, but it didn't faze him. He grabbed my arms and forced me against the wall. It was very uncomfortable with the backpack on. Hans grabbed the handle of the backpack and threw me over the bed and I toppled onto the floor. I couldn't see right, it was all blurred.

I stood up and tried to remember any kind of defense I knew. 'I don't know any,' I thought. I had no knives since Jack put them all in his suitcase, so I grabbed the night stand table. Well at least it was something that I could hit him with. Hans came at me again I swung the table. He grabbed the end and took it out of my hands. Well so much for that idea. Then I felt the table meet with the top right side of my body.

I was on the floor and it seemed like it was all a dream. I was there, but I played no actual part in the matter.

"I'll show you what a real slave is supposed to do," he whispered in my ear. "Then I'll figure out someway to kill you." He said it just loud enough so Jack could hear him through the door that he was trying to bust down.

Hans reached down to my jeans that I had put on while packing and start to undo the button. I couldn't move I couldn't even scream. Jack had to be using something hard because he was making the door bounce back. Hans unzipped my jeans and pulled them down. He got mad that I was still wearing shorts under them. I just slipped the jeans on over my pajama shorts cause we had little time. Can you blame me, really? Anyway he was mad cause it meant he wasn't just able to pull down my panties and stick it in. I was pretty glad I did keep my shorts on. "Trying to make things difficult? Well I've got time we'll get to it and take it nice and hard. SEE JACK YOU DO IT HARD TO START AND THEN THEY BECOME SCARED!" He was doing it on purpose to torment Jack, it made me want to scream. As he started to undo his pants the door cracked in the middle and it kind of knocked me out my daze. I mean I still couldn't think clearly or see clearly for that matter, but you gotta work with what ya got. When Hans turned back around to face me I kicked him in jewels.

Jack was then in the room. I pulled up my pants and scooted to the wall to get support so I could stand. Hans was unaware that Jack had knives handy and went at me again paying no attention to his son. I won't lie I was scared and I think Jack saw it in my eyes. Suddenly Hans leapt at me and Jack threw.

It pierced through his spine. If he didn't die he would be paralyzed. But with the lack of breathing he was doing I doubt he would make it.

I used the wall to stand and Jack reached for my hand helping me around the body. He pulled me to the doorway that was about twenty feet away from his father. I looked at the knife in him and shuttered. Jack still held my hand. I looked at his hand wrapped around my wrist and then up at him. I looked into his eyes and I felt tears coming. We jumped into each others arms. Just to be there in that moment so close to being violated and or killed it was nice to have a friend. We just stood there in a hug just listening to each other breathe.

We broke apart, but still holding each others hand ran down the stairs grabbing the suitcases and out the door.

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