~Chapter twenty-five

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"Jack, please just calm down!"

"I can't! I don't want to die! I'm not ready!"

"Jack, look at me," I said calmly. "We're going to figure this out it's okay." And yet saying it to Jack it was making me feel less calm with every word.

"Alright. Everyone calm down. Take a deep breath both of you," Jason said frustrated.

"Well, we have to think even if you we would get out of these ropes, how are we going to get out of here," Jc commented.

"Lets face it we aren't getting out of here! JUST SAY IT," Jack yelled.

"JACK! JUST STOP," Jason screamed back at him.

"Guys, stop..."



"GUYS! Do you smell that," I said getting their attention.

They looked at me with dumbfounded faces but then they caught the smell. Familiarization came across they faces and worry set in. I knew that smell anywhere. It was the smell of burning gasoline and metal.

"Aria, what should we do," Jack asked.


"We have to wait," Jc interrupted. He stared into my eyes and without a word I knew he wasn't sure we would make it out of this alive.

All of us did that stare at one another that said, I'm happy I met you. I looked at my brother and couldn't believe he would never get married or even fall in love. I would never get to be an aunt or get married myself. I would never get to share that special moment with Jc or even find out if Jc was the true one I loved.

I mean I LOVE Jc, but I don't know if he truly loves me as much as I love him. I hope he does, but if we don't get out of here I will never be able to find out. And that just drove me off the edge.

In anger, I tugged as hard as I could trying to get my hands free. Well it didn't work, but I did get to fall onto the floor. Now on my right side still tied up to this chair I saw movement outside of the room. I screamed as loud as I could.

The shadow came to the door and rattled the knob. When it didn't open the shadow left. All the hope I had drained out of my body and I so wanted to sob. Jc was just staring at me and I lost it.

I shot out everything that has been giving me stress. Sam, Kian, Andrea, this war, this country, my family, my life. I yelled it all at Jc like it was all towards him, but I didn't mean it like that. I had tears rolling down my cheeks, well actually the rolled from my eyes either sideways down my cheek or over my nose and then down my cheek.

"Jc, I'm sorry I'm such a basket case and I can't do much, except for get in trouble! You deserve more! I'm a horrible girlfriend and friend in general!" I shut my eyes tight making my eyes burn.

"Aria, I...you...," he said in between sniffles that sounded like he was going to cry.

That's when I heard rustling outside. Then banging. We all just looked at the door. I could see the shadow was back and he brought friends.

The door flung open and I almost gagged at the smell. It was suddenly very strong and it was a little warm. The shadow moved toward Jason revealing more shadows. One went to Jack, another to Jc, and one threw out a knife and cut me free.

When I stood up a warm body was wrapped around me. Pulling away I saw my saviors face. And passing a glance to the others I didn't recognize. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pushed me out of the room with the others close behind us.


Hey guys! I hope everyone is having a good winter break!

So who do you think helped save the boys?

How do you like the new cover?

Anyway have a great week and a Happy New Years!

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