~Chapter nineteen

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DEDICATION TO @DanielleJoyBalcita thank you for being an amazing fan!!


Kian laid in the bed with his eyes shut, afraid to open them from the pain. Andrea didn't leave his side. Mrs. Franta had me cutting gaze to cover the wound while she tried to clean it with alcohol. We didn't really have any medication at the factory, but Mr. Franta found some whiskey. With one shot Kian was asleep.

Andrea wouldn't look away from him. It was breaking my heart seeing how much she hurt from this. I put my hands on her shoulders. She looked up to me and I tried to smile. "Come on let's see if we can find some food for you to eat." She nodded but looked at Kian.

Walking out of the corridor, we found Sam sitting at the table with his head in his hands. Everyone else must have been outside because the door was wide open. You could see the sunshine white on the rocks outside and the white hallway magnified the brightness of the sunlight. Sam heard us come close and he dropped his hands.

"Hi Sam," Andrea said putting on a warm smile.

"Hi Andrea. Glad to see you're alright." Sam didn't lift his head.

"You, too."

"Sam, do you know if the guys bought food? Andrea needs to eat something." I tried to sound friendly but I'm not sure if that's how it was interpreted.

"Yea. Sawyer got some and put them in the kitchen. I'll show you where it is if you come with me."

"Andrea, why don't you go with Sam and I'll go make sure Kian is still asleep then I'll join you."

She nodded and Sam lead her through a side door. I looked back down the hallway at the sunlight before heading back into the corridor. I just really didn't want to be around Sam. He was in a mood and I just don't think I could handle it right now.

Even before I got to the corridor I could hear movement. "Kian?" I walked in with caution knowing I was unarmed. But what I saw I will never be able to forget.

I walked in to see Kian with his tan jeans down by his ankles. He was trying to unbutton his boxers. "KIAN!" I scared him causing him to jump out of his pants. "What are you doing?"

"I have to go to the bathroom!" He slurred and seemed uneasy.

"Come with me."

Grabbing his arm and putting it around my shoulder, I dragged his ass to the end of the corridor, where there was a small washroom. I released him and allowed him to walk on his own. Be staggered into the room. He again struggled with his button.

"Kian, if you can't unbutton it-"

"Will you do it?" He turned to me with puppy eyes. He reminded me of my brother when he was getting potty-trained. Oh, how I missed my baby brother.


"Pwease!! It's easy!"

"Kian, I will not unbutton your boxers! Just pull them down!"

"Fine!" He sounded like a defeated five year old, but quickly reached down and pulled down his boxers.

I turned as quick as I could. I didn't see anything or at least that was what I was going to tell myself. I can't believe Kian was acting like this. All we gave him was a shot of whiskey to numb the pain. A shot would not do this to him.

I ran to his bedside table and found the bottle of whiskey. It had been practically just opened when we gave Kian his dose. Looking at the bottle now it was just over half empty. Kian had woken up and drank more. Good lord.

He walked out of the washroom and thank god his boxers were on his waist. I ran to him and helped him back to his bed. I let him sit down and grabbed his pants off the ground. I tried to hand them to him, but he didn't want to take them. I folded them over the side of the bed frame as Kian reached for the whiskey bottle.

"Kian! I think you've had enough whiskey for today." I took the bottle and transported it to a place he couldn't walk to. "Now lets get you back to sleep." I pulled his covers out from under him.

"I don't want to sleep," he said refusing to lay down.

"You'll feel better if you sleep after drinking all that whiskey." I pushed him down onto his pillow.

He didn't sit back up but tried another tactic. "Lay with me?" He patted the small space beside him.

"No, Kian you can sleep by yourself or you can wait until Andrea gets back in here. She'll lay with you if you want her to."

"But I want someone to lay with me now!"

"Now Kian. Is that the way to get what you want?" He shook his head. "No, so you lay down and I'll sit beside you until you fall asleep."

"Fine." He hit the pillow.

I sat down in the chair beside him. He was still for maybe a minute then rolled out of the bed onto the other side of the bed. He laughed so I figured he was okay. But with his alcohol intake he struggled to get up.

"Kian? Do you need help?" I knew the answer when I asked and even though his answer was muffled I got up and walked to the other side. I grabbed the sheet and threw it back on the bed, then grabbed Kian's shoulders the get him in a sitting position. "Alright, to get up you're going to have to help me." I looked straight into my friend's eyes and I knew he understood. "On three try to stand. I'll lift you're shoulders you just control your feet. One....Two....Three..."

Together we made it to the bed. Standing wouldn't have worked so it's good the goal was the bed anyway. I sunk to the floor. I was so tired and now I could feel it in my bones.

"So no more falling. Time to sleep." I rose and wiped off my hands. I laid his head on the pillow and straightened the sheet. I flung it over him and agin straightened it so his whole body was covered. Reaching down then to fluff his pillow he grabbed my shirt right at my collar. "Kian sleep."I tried to stare him down.

Instead he pulled me to him, forcing his lips on mine. I pulled away. I was wide eyed, but he then closed his eyes. I don't think I even breathed from shock. I finally looked up and saw not just Andrea standing there but Sam and Jc, too. They were all in shock or at least I hoped it was shock. But that was shattered when Andrea ran out of the room followed by an angry Sam.

I couldn't read Jc's face, but Andrea was my first concern. I ran past Jc and tried to catch up to Andrea.



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