~Chapter twenty-nine

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It's been two weeks and I'm now living in this mansion with other members of this group I was apart of. I've met a lot of new people. Well I guess they aren't new since they all knew me I just didn't know them. Anyway, it's a little weird here.

The boy I met at the hospital told me his name is Jc and that he bought me as a servant for him and his three friends. I guess they helped get women out of the country, which I believe since our government is well was horrible. Ricky told me Kian was my first friend, which I believe because Ricky wouldn't lie. Connor told me our first meeting was awkward on both parts because it was early morning and he answered the door in his boxers. And Kian said we had a falling out and he's always apologizing. He also says the reason his girlfriend doesn't talk to me is because he was stupid and did something to me that she didn't like and it's his fault.

Jack, I guess another friend, tells me that his father is the one that beat me when I was younger. I remember the beatings, but not much after they stopped. He says I chose to enter this group so he trained me to throw knives. He tried to tell me about everything, but it's really hard to understand some of it.

And soon I had everyone telling me something we did together. Jason told me how I got with the boys and then he couldn't say much after that. Sam confessed that he kissed me while I was dating Jc and so we weren't really on speaking terms. I think that's sad because I really like Sam. But I think Jc is always watching when Sam and I talk to each other.


*a month after getting out of the hospital*

This past month has been tough. I've been getting some of my memories back but not much. The doctor said they could come back in dreams and that's a lot of what is coming back. I remember the day the other servants and I watched Finding Nemo because Trevor and I watched it a week ago.

I saw a picture of a wolf when we were moving some stuff around in the mansion and remembered when I was attacked. I had a dream about a shadow trying to get me when I was in a kitchen and Ricky told me it was me remembering him scaring me half to death. He says that was the day I told him about my past. I also had a dream about Kian being carried into a house after being shot and Jc says that's true, too.

I kind of remember the first day Jc took me to his house and being in the country, but not much more than that. Andrea has tried to help me, too. She apologized for going off on me when Kian kissed me and has been helping me remember some of the personal stuff I guess I told her.

I'm getting kind of annoyed with Jc always wanting to be around me. I get that we were dating, but I don't feel comfortable saying we still are since I don't remember what we did. He says we've only ever kissed and I believe him because inside what he says sounds right. But there is something wrong. I don't know if I feel that way about him anymore if I ever did.

"Hey Aria," Sam said opening my dark brown, bedroom door.

"Hey Sam," I smiled. I can't help but feel that I should be with Sam.

"You coming down for breakfast?"

"Sure. But Sam...is Jc around?"

"I think he's downstairs if you want me to..."

"No! I want to talk to you. I just don't want him to be around."


He came in and shut my door. Coming to sit beside me on my giant bed. I had been combing my hair so my hairbrush was placed down on my bed. He took it in his right hand and scooted to be behind me. Sliding it down through my wavy, damp hair.

"Sam, have you ever felt unsure of what you should be doing?"

He kept brushing my hair. "Many times. Why? What's wrong?"

"I...I just don't know if I can be the Aria I was before. And I don't want to disappoint anyone. It's just like Jc and everyone else tell me I was dating him and I always told people how much he meant to me. Well what if I don't remember how I felt about him and I have feelings for some one else?"

At the last sentence he stopped brushing my hair. He didn't say anything so I turned to face him. It took my eyes a minute to adjust. After what happened my glasses had been broken so I've been trying out contacts and they have been pretty weird to adjust to. Sam didn't look at me just at the sheets. I opened my mouth to say something, but was met with a knock at my door.

"I'll be right out," I yelled at the person.

Sam got up still not saying anything and placed my brush on the nightstand. "You have to go with how your heart feels. If you don't like Jc then you need to tell him." He turned to face me. "Come on they're waiting for us."

"But Sam I..."

"I know," he said in almost a whisper. He dropped his head and took my hand in his and turned it over once.

"Kiss me."


Sorry it's kind of short guys! I'm trying to get it to where she remembers. Again I'm writing a short book that will tell more about her experiences trying to get her memory back and I'll let you all know when I get it published!

I hope every is excited for the O2L tour. I unfortunately will not be able to see the boys in Cleveland like I had hoped. I will be going on a mission trip and will be returning the day they are here, but I hope some of you are going to see them! Remember general admission go on sale next Friday!

Good Luck guys! Love ya'll!! xxx

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