~Chapter twenty-four

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I was now tied to a chair. The lights were off. It was pitch black. My arms were tied to the back of the chair and my ankles tied to the back legs of the chair. It really wasn't comfortable, but man did I need to learn how to tie knots cause these were pretty good!

If I could reach my knife I could.....I jerked my leg a little. The shock hit me like a train. They had found and taken my spare knife that I kept in my boot. I cursed not caring who heard me.

A door behind me opened suddenly and I got this chill that ran down my spine to my toes. Then small lights in the corners of the room flickered on. They were dim which was great or the light may have really hurt my eyes.

I heard shuffling of feet and things being scratched across the concrete. But I only show shadows. I figured they had brought chairs over to question me. Of course my hypothesis was wrong.

When they started talking it wasn't towards me they were talking to someone else in the room and I knew who that someone was. They said they had a way to level the playing field and while they question not to do something stupid or the girl gets it.

You can guess the girl is me. With the tug of my hair I tried to curse, but the gag was in my way. But with the question of who are you working for and no answer I was blindfolded. They removed my gag and I had to move my mouth and jaw around to get the feeling away.

They asked the question again and there was still no answer. I was in the air and I assume placed to face the other members. When there was silence again they released the blindfold.

"Man you guys suck at this," I accidentally said out loud.

One of the government monkeys smacked me on the cheek. But in that moment I really looked at who I was facing. In the pit of my stomach I had known it would be my friends, but I really didn't want it to be.

"I will only ask one more time! Who are you working for," one of the monkeys said sternly pulling a knife out of his pocket. When there came no answer he pulled my hair so my head faced the ceiling and I could feel the tip of the blade on my throat. "Don't test me because I, like my partner, would love to see what shade of red this girl would turn if I just press down right here..."

"You know what side we are on so ask a question worth answering," Jc yelled at him.

"Who are you working with?"

"It's easier to say who we aren't."

The monkey in charge spit out questions that didn't need answers and Jc spit back answers. They were snarling at each other and I was in the middle with a piece of iron protruding from my neck. Like can I go home now?

Finally the old bloke sitting in the corner smacked the monkey. "Where is the Southerner hidden?"

"Not here," Jc answered. "He's safe."

"I hope you're aware that you will never win this war. Hell you'll never live through this night."

"And how are you supposed to know that," this time Jack said something.

"Oh, we have our ways and you'll see when the time comes. Anyway our duty wasn't to kill any of you just to send in the volunteers to pretend. The military, which is us, were just supposed to trap as many of you as possible in this building. So now we leave. Good-day lads and a fine life miss." He chuckled and led the monkey out of the room.

The shock on Jason's face almost made me calm. Then, my eyes met with Jc's and I swear if a look could kill He would be dead where he sat. All he did was give me a sly smile that almost made me smile, but I held it in even though the butterflies I get when I'm around him were fluttering up a storm.

"What did he mean we won't live through the night," Jack asked worried.

"They probably have a plan to blast the building or burn it down," Jason replied coldly.

Jack huffed in despair. And I could done it with him since I'm terrified of dying. But I had to hold it together and figure out a way out of this. I don't have a knife which means they probably took all of Jack's as well.

"Does anyone have a knife," I asked in haste not knowing how long we had.

They all shook their heads. Alright think what else can we use? Nail-file. Don't have any. Fire. Don't have the ability to make even one flame. What else is there?

Hey guys I'm sorry I'm late on the update. I was shopping all weekend for Christmas! I hope you won't tie me to a chair like the men did to Jack, Jason, Jc, and Aria. Wow I didn't notice how many 'J' names I use. Anyway! Have a Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Pleasant Kwanzaa! Bodacious Birthday! Or whatever you celebrate! Be safe and have a great week!

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