~Chapter twenty-one

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Jc had his arms around me trying to keep me calm. With all the shouts and gunfire going on around us, I'm glad he was with me or I might be freaking out right now. It was cold and dark in this room and I'm actually not quite sure why we decided to hide out in here. It's wet and musty, too. I'm not even sure what kind of room this was! I don't see any way for them to store things in here.


"Yea," he whispered in my ear to make sure no one heard us.

I tried to find his face, but with such dim light I could only tell he was beside me. I didn't want to tell him I was scared because even though I was, he already knew that by the way that I was shaking. What I wanted to ask was if he thought we would make it out of here alive. But I really didn't want to hear the answer he would give, which would probably be a lie. We both knew, even though we wouldn't say it out loud, we weren't going to and if we did it would never be the same.

"I...I love you."

"I love you, too, you weirdo." That made me smile. "And don't worry I won't leave without you."

He didn't have to say it, but I knew he meant to not be afraid that if we get separated he'll find me and if I'm able to leave he won't either. I didn't want him to hurt himself if I died. But arguing with him right now was not something I wanted to do. Instead I found his face and kissed his forehead.

"I don't get a real kiss," he chuckled lowly.

"I guess you'll just have to wait until this is all over."

"You promise?"

"What?" That caught me a little of guard. But he sounded so serious.

"Will you give me a real kiss after all of this? No matter what?" Just because I couldn't see his eyes didn't mean I couldn't feel them on me. It could brand my heart with a hot iron.

"As long as you want it."

"I'll always want you."

"Then, no matter what happens to either of us, I will give you a real kiss....and if I can't-"

"I promise I will kiss you."

I was almost in tears. All these memories started to race to my thought. All the talks and games. Meeting these boys changed my life for the better and I can't believe it might all end tonight. Jc was the best thing that ever happened to me and he might be taken away from me. I just couldn't belive that I have only been with these boys for a few month and now I might have to say goodbye to them. Let alone the new friends I met just three days ago.

Suddenly we jumped. Someone was on the other side of the room we were in. Hiding behind these crates was good for now, but we couldn't see what side they were. Then there were voices as terror struck us both.

Earlier that day...

"Hey. Aria. Hey it's time to get up."

I fluttered my eyes open. Jack was standing next my cot in our coridor or well it was basically was our infirmary now. He smiled his sweet smile and tilted his head over his right shoulder as to say look over there. I sat up on my forearms and strained my neck so I could just see Kian with Andrea snuggled up close to him. I smiled and noticed that Kian was actually awake.

I flung the sheet off me and slid out of the uncomfortable cot. I ran my hands through my hair and tried to make it out of the room without making a noise. But Kian waved me over to him. He looked at me with teddy bear eyes, mouthing a sweet 'I'm sorry.' I smiled and turned to go out the door.


After a breakfast of beagles, we were all forced to sit through another meeting about what could happen in the next twenty-four hours. We had found a way for the president of the South to get onto a television and make an announcement. That showing will be televise in early evening. It will be telling everyone that we have the Faces of Men and are taking back the country. All those under controll of the Faces of Men will be free and if they are willing to fight for our cause it will be greatly appreciated. But telling them this that means those who support the Faces of Men will also be able to fight to keep the country the same.

We know that they will come here to fight and it won't be an easy battle. The president was taken back to the South's territtory to get Southerners into the fight, but he is also out of the major battlefield. And the other four men, that made up that circle only three nights ago, were taken to the South so they wouldn't get to have the pleasure of seeing what they made come crumbling down. Or see it pull out of the hardships we were trying to make for it. Unfortunatily, we are all at the center of the battlefield. Mrs Franta is going to be transporting Kian and Andrea to the South before the ttelevisied message so they are out of danger. But the rest of us either stay and fight or find another way to the border.

Some Southerners are going to be bringing weapons and such for us. We are incouraged to have more than one if possible. Sawyer was also asking us to all find our own hiding places with a partner so you have someone to protect your back. Marcus also informed us that these soldiers that will come won't fight fair and we are advised to not go into a wrestling match with them.

It wasn't too long before our reinforcements got to the factory. I grabbed as many knives as I had places for them. Then, we got everything ready and sent Mrs Franta and Andrea off with Kian. I was glad he wasn't going to be here in this mess.

After seeing my friend off, I went to look for a hiding place. Going down a few hallways, I finally found a door that hadn't been broken into. I pulled down on the handle and found it open. Walking in it was pitch black, but I could smell the odor of water that had been dried and replaced by new puddles. There were some crates in the corner that would make a great defense and camouflage.

Turning to leave the room I was cornered by Sam. It had kind of caught me off guard. He just looked at me. It was making me uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"Sam, there is nothing for you to be sorry for," I said plainly.

"I meant for this." He took my face in his hands and kissed the top of my head. "Aria, you're amazing and I wish you luck. I just don't want to see you hurt." He took a deep breath. "You're a good friend." His eyes wouldn't meet mine.

I took him into a hug. "Sam, don't get yourself killed please. I don't want to lose you either. I have lost so many of my friends and family in the past year that I can't stand if I lose one like you. We had one problem, but that was in the past and I don't care now."

He rubbed my back and squeezed me tight. "Thank you," he whispered. Then released me and we headed back down to the meeting area.

Walking in you could tell that something was wrong. Jc came to me, putting his arm around me. We were all silent I would have thought someone had died.

"It's on," Jc whispered into my hair.


Jc tried to shield me so they wouldn't see me. But they were nowhere near us. We were still behind these crates and they hadn't brought any light into the room except that of a handheld flashlight.

But the voices I heard terrified me to the core. I knew exactly who those voices belonged to. But not knowing what side they were fighting for just made me stay behind the crates. Until I heard the one hit the other.


Hey guys i wanted to take the time to say THANK YOU and that you guys are AMAZING! I wouldn't have imagined that in August when I started this series that it would be like this! You guys are awesome.....





STAY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx

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