~Chapter thirty-one

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I could see green grass all around the beautiful house. I smiled at the small vines growing up the side of the house from four months of neglect. As the car came to a stop a small picture flashed over my eyes. It was of the house of white with perfectly trimmed bushes and lawn. Looking back at the one in front me, I could see the difference. Over grown brushes and grass and a little tint of brown on the house from not being washed.

There was definitely some work we were going to have to do, but it's going to be worth it. I was home or at least the only home I could go to whether I remembered it or not. Jason decided he was going to stay with Blake in his apartment so he could get his own place. I think he's hoping Connor's sister will join him in the place he finds. They have started seeing each other and I think it's great. She's a really nice girl and I'm thankful she's helping Jason move on from the stress that has been this past year.

Actually Jack will be joining us at the house. I'm happy about that because he's such a nice kid and we've become good friends again I guess. He says we were pretty close before my memory was tampered with and now I see why.

Jc stepped out of the car and walked over opening the door for me. "Welcome home," he said giving me his hand to help me get out of the car.

I smiled at him and thought of how many times I had dreamed about this moment.

Unloading boxes felt like it took forever. I mean there wasn't much, but there was enough to confuse me. They constantly were telling me where the box I was carrying had to go and then I was roaming the house until I finally found which room it was. About the only room I didn't have trouble with was the kitchen for some reason when they said kitchen my feet just took me there. I didn't have to think about it I just went there.

But it was putting everything in the boxes in their rightful place that took the longest. I had to get reacquainted with the various creeks that came from the stairs and the loveliness of my room.

I had ventured and found my room. I remembered as I walked inside the door what it had looked like when we had been forced out a measly four months ago. Looking at it now I could see everything was how it had been when we left. I had a pair of vans thrown against the wall and my bed was not neatly made. There was that annoying alarm clock sitting on my night stand. I spun around just taking it in and realized all the stuff we would have to do, dusting, laundry, and oh so much more to get back to where we were four months ago.

As I was still spinning with my back to the door, there were suddenly a pair of arms around my waist and a body close to mine. I let my arms wrap around the pair at my waist as they rocked us back and forth.

With his head in my hair he whispered, "Welcome home."

I let out a small giggle at the remark. "You have already said that."

"I like to say that it is again your home. And I hope it to be your forever home."

With that I spun around in his arms and looked up into his eyes just placing my hands behind his neck. "You think I shall live here forever?"

"I hope for you to," he said in a whisper planting a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"What if you grow tired of me?"

"If I grow tired of you, you are allowed to walk right out the front door. I will not approve of you staying if you think I am treating you badly. Plus, I do not see me getting tired of you anytime soon."

"Well that's good because I don't think I would ever be able to find another place to live."

It happened that I made him laugh at that line. He snickered and then a smirk became plastered on his face. I was questioning what he was thinking when he lightly pressed his lips to my forehead.

"I'm so glad we're back home," he whispered just millimeters away from my forehead. I could feel his words and breath on the place he kissed me.



"What happens if...oh never mind."

"What happens if what," he said pulling away from me so he could stare at me with his big, brown, puppy-dog eyes.

"What happens if the government invades the house again? What will I do I mean I don't remember most of the stuff Jack said he taught me. How will I find you again? How can I..."

He pressed me into his chest before I could finish my sentence. "Aria, I will not allow them to separate us again."

"But how can you make sure that doesn't happen," I said with water in my eyes.

"I'll find a way." He squeezed me tight and kissed the top of my head. "I promise," he croaked into my hair.

"I don't want to be without you."

Jc let his left hand travel from my shoulder to my waist and the right went to meet my chin moving it away from his chest. I had started to cry and left a few wet spots on his T-shirt. Taking my chin he lifted my head up to face him. "And I don't want to be without you." And for an instant I saw for the first time Jc get teary-eyed.

Then he leaned into me and let our lips gently touch. I let him take control and soon the kiss deepened. Our mouths moving together. His right hand left my chin and moved to the back of my neck.

The intensity sent small waves of heat through my body. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering away and my heart was racing. I was sure Jc could hear my heartbeat I felt it was that loud. But at the same time I felt that I needed more.

I moved my hands from their resting place on his chest to the back of his neck which made him move his hand around my neck to my hip. He tried to pull me even closer to him, but ended up losing his balance and stumbling backwards. He took me with him and we were barely saved by the wall beside my door. I broke free from him and started to laugh at our horrible coordination as a couple.

I was halfway in tears before Jc figured out that I was laughing. It ended up that I was doing that non-audible laugh where it looks like your crying or a seal that got it's vocal chords cut. When he did figure out I was laughing he started laughing with me. But nothing could have prepared me for what he did next.


Hello all!! Sorry you had to wait a week I was really busy last weekend.

But I have to tell you that the next chapter may be the last chapter of this book. SO YOU BETTER STAY TUNED!




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