chapter 7

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Yo! I hope you enioy this chapter, 'cause i tried my best! They aren't good for now because of the internet........i lied. Uh, actually, i was running out of ideas on the job only,everything else is finnnneeee. I know, i ain't a good liar when i blamed the internet. But it was only a half-lie! The internet does cause this; somehow. I don't know how but the internet is probably part of the fault, i think. Anyways, enough blabbering, time for the story!!! happy reading!♡



Chapter 7: Retrieving the item with surprising difficulties

Lucy's POV

We all stationed ourselves infront of the city Trius. By 'we' i mean me, Erza, Wendy and the two exceeds. Suzori, Natsu and Gray were too busy having a staring contest. Man oh man oh man. What do i do witn those three?

"Lucy, will you do the honours?" said Erza. I knew exactly what she meant. I walked up behind Suzori, Gray and Natsu. They were so busy staring at each other they didn't notice me. In one swift move, i grabbed Natsu and Suzori's ears, Natsu's on the left and Suzori's on the right. Gray was imprisoned by my foot. So now, Gray was under my foot, and Natsu and Suzori's ears were being pulled out.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" i shouted. I let go of all three and punched them right in the head. Usually, I would have done it in the conkers, but we have a job to do, right?

The three of them lay motionless on the ground. Wendy, Erza and Charle sweat-dropped. Happy was busy laughing his head off.

" That was too much, ne?" said Erza. i Looked backed at the trio, but then one was missing, and guess who that was,;Suzori. He hugged me tightly.

"Princess, i won that contest. Happy?" he beamed.

"Hell no you didn't! I did!" shouted Natsu.

"Bastard! It was clearly me!" exclaimed Gray. There they go again. Erza and the others were getting quite impatient, and so was i. I was about to stop them, when they decided to start a new conflict.

"We are the best of friends! Get lost!"

"Love brought us together! She belongs to me!"

" Blah blah blah! Belong to you my foot! She is none of yours!"

I snapped. I took a deep breath.


After a while of calming everyone down, we soon decided that it's time to enter the building. Ofcourse, we would have to use brute force, because if we snuck in, we would be caught sooner or later. We defeated the guards without using any magic power. Soon enough, we reached the room where the item was being held. As i was about to open the door, a shock went through my hand. It stung terribly.

Everyone looked up to see our enemies. There were six of them, and, surprisingly enough, we had the same amount. It was decided that each of us part ways and go into seperate rooms and fight. Everyone had their opponent, and left. Suzori, however, stayed to say something to me.

"My opponent will be taken down easily, and all the available rooms are taken, mind if i stay here?" he asked. He pouted, trying to make me give in.

"Ugh! Fine, but stay on your side of the room please!" i exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

"Ya know, you look cute when you do that!" teased Suzori.

"Shut it or i will shut it for you." I said with a serious face. Beforw we could say anything more, we were rudely interrupted by the enemy, well, more like two enemies.

"Cut the chit-chat and let's fight!" said the one on the left.

"My oh my. Suzori it seems we were rudely interrupted. Such a shame," i said shaking my head lightly.

"Well, we'll just have to give them their punishment." said Suzori. He smirked handsomely.


(AN) This chapter may be short. I was planning to do a chapter for every one or two fights, depending on how short it is. But this job is not the main thing here, believe it! Oh gosh, now i sound like Naruto.

Next chapter: Chapter 8: Fight Erza! Fight Wendy!

Summary: Erza and Wendy bring it on with their opponent. But the opponent is very skillful. Find out what happens, On chapter 8!

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