chapter 13

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Hiya! I am like soooooo excited about this chapter..... I don't know why! But, I really wanted the guy here to be Natsu. So sad. Forgeting that, enjoy this drama filled chappy!



Chapter 13: Keep up those reflexes!

"Will you go on a date with me?"

Lucy's POV

I stood there. My feet rooted to the ground.

"A-A date?" I stuttered. Suzori's face fell.

"It's okay. I understand." he said. His face was down.

"No! Not like that! Sure, I'll go with you!" I exclaimed. I did not want him sad, So I had to agree.

"Great! Meet me at the park across from here." He said. He walked off.


"Lucy, Are you okay?" asked Erza. Natsu and Gray turned to me because they were worried too.

"Yeah! Everything is cool." I said while forcing a smile.

"Lucy-san, You're lying!" exclaimed Wendy.

"Okay guys, you got me. I am really happy, I just don't want to scare you, so I forced myself to be okay." I exclaimed. I told them the truth. Yea, I really am happy because this will be my first date!

"So then, why are you happy?"asked Gray.

"Suzori askes me on a date!" I suddenly exclaimed. The room silenced.

"A DATE?!"

Erza, Wendy and the two exceeds were smiling and were all joyful. Gray watched me like I was crazy, yep, he was still jealous. And Natsu looked scary.

"Natsu? You okay?" I asked.

"Yea, I am alright." He said glumly.

"Don't worry guys. Suzori looked so sad, so I had to say yes." I said. Natsu raised his head with a little joy on his face. He became happy now?


Suzori and I walked in between the crowd. Suzori was walking me to a restaurant. We reached the place and got our seats. We had a fantastic view of a little stream nearby.

"So, Lucy, how many gold keys do you have?" asked Suzori. We just finished ate our meals. I looked at him wierdly and gave him a 'What the fu*k look'.

"Uh, 10." I replied. Suzori smiled and silenced erupted once again. We left the restaurant and came upon a festival that was going on in the area.

I looked at it with awe.

"You like this?" asked Suzori with an amusing hint.

"Yeah. It 's pretty cool." I said. We walked through the streets, and a thought entered my mind.

"Ne, Suzori, Where did you get that orb?" I asked.

"My grandfather gave it to me. He said it was pretty important to him.'. He said.

We walked further down, and Suzori , then again, asked me a question that only a parent should ask.

"Can you protect yourself from any danger? I mean anything."He stated. "I just remembered that question. I wanted to ask you that from the moment I saw you."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Well, you were the cutest but sexiest person I have ever seen." he replied. "Not that I'm flirting, i juat became worried."

I smiled at his cuteness. I don't care if he was Harusuke's grandson, but he was really sweet.

"Well, I don't really know. If they caught me by surprise, I would panick a lot despite my magic." I stated. Suzori's eyes looked at me with a blank expression,

"Then you should not have fought the woman earlier in the mission. I would have done it myself." He sternly said.

"But Suzori-" I started but he cut me off.

"No Lucy! I was worried when those swords were aimed at you! What if she had done something to your magic? Then you could not have protected yourself!" He exclaimed. I stepped back, taken away at his statement. He really cares about me.

"Suzori, I understand. But still, what does this have to do with someone taking me?" I said.

"They could surprise you anyhow. You would panick, and then can't do anything, as you said." he said. "Look, I am really sorry about my outburst, I was just....."

"It's alright! Nice to know you care!" I said joyfully.

We walked around a bit and came to a halt. Suzori picked up a rose and gave it to me.

"How can I repay you, Suzori?"I asked with a smile. My happy face turned into one of panick when I realised that there were less people around me and Suzori's answer rang in my ears.

"With your body, ofcourse."


Next chapter: Prank, rain, fever?!

Summary: Erza and the others with the exception of Suzori and Lucy find out the two secrets. Lucy and Suzori have 'quality time', but does the fever mean a love sickness?

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