Chapter 3

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Hey guys! well, i kinda tried my best on this one, cause i have been thinking some other ideas for the upcoming chapters. Anyways, please enjoy this chappy. Happy reading!♡

WARNING: There will be a bit of Gralu in this Chapter, and quite a bit of drama, so watch out! oh, and by the way, this is a nalu fanfic, so don't worry. I will warn you that it may seem like Sticy, or Gralu, or even lolu.



Chapter 3: Lucy is strong either way part 2

Happy's POV

" i have never been so angry before!" i exclaimed. " i just hope Lucy is okay."

" Don't worry! i'm sure Lucy-san is alright!" said Wendy.

"Ah. i still can't believe Natsu. He became a jerk!" exclaimed Erza.

"True. Lucy is strong. It is true that she may not be as strong as she is when she has her keys, but Natsu did'nt had to say it like that!" exclaimed Gray.

We soon reached Lucy's apartment. Gray forcefully pushed the door opened, thinking it was lock, but it wasn't. Gray fell to the ground with a loud 'oof'. I began to worry, but Wendy assured me that Lucy's scent was still there. A wave of relief washed over me. We went inside and saw Lucy peacefully sleeping on the floor.

"Wendy, make sure Lucy is okay." commanded Erza.

"H-hai. It seems Lucy-san fell asleep crying. Apparently, she now has a slight fever," concluded our skillful friend.

Everyone stuck around for awhile, but then it soon began turning to dark. Wendy said that someone had to stay with Lucy, to make sure she is alright. Gray quickly voulunteered about 1.5 seconds later and then puts his head down about 4 milliseconds later. Yeah, i know, i can do some pretty darn maths in these situations.

We all left, with the exception of Gray. Outside, Erza suddenly blurted out that Gray likes Lucy.

"He does not like, he loooooooves her!" i exclaimed, rolling my tongue on the letter o.

Gray's POV

I watched her sleep peacefully. The moon light shone on her pretty face, making her even prettier. Hmm, too cheesy. Jeez, i sound like a big lovestruck idiot! But this idiot got shot with cupid's arrow and fell in love with the girl in front of me. Wow, i never knew i was soooo cheeky.Oh man, am i really talking to myself about this subject? Yes, yes you are Gray. I sighed heavily. I really am hopeless sometimes. Anyways, back to Lucy. To tell you the truth, no other girl, no matter how much they want me, ever made my heart skip a beat like Lucy. Wait, i take that back. The only other time my heart beat skipped was when Juvia scared the life out of me when she suddenely appeared behind me. Well, you know what i mean. I actually meant to say that Lucy was the only one who made me feel so lovey-dovey.

I've been wanting to tell Lucy how i have felt about her all this time, but every time i want to do it, Natsu either picks a fight with me which really pisses me off, or either i chicken out. Sometimes, i don't want to because she might reject me, plus, once, i overheard Mira ask Lucy about she and Loke. I think i overeacted that time, because Lucy would have already been in Loke's arms by then. There were many things i liked about Lucy.First of all, I MUST state the improtant ones first. She is so damn hot! Plus the fact that she is smart, kind and very funny. I was soon interrupted from my thoughts when i felt someone's stare. I looked down and saw Lucy. Shit! i think i was staring at her tooooooo long!

"Lu-Lucy! Y-you're awake!" i managed to stammer.

"Yes, i am. I woke up suddenly because i felt a presence. You made me scared 'cause i thought you were going to kill me!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. i chuckled. "So, what are you doing here? I did not mean it in a bad way, but you got the point."

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