Chapter 8

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Yo! Okay, this chapter, is kind of mainly about Erza and Wendy's POV. Sorry if that is a problem. Well, i got nothing to say, soooooo enjoy reading!♡



Chapter 8: Fight Erza! Fight Wendy!

Erza's POV

My opponent followed me into another room. It seems that the enemy chose who they wanted to fight. They were all in hoods, so it was impossible to see what gender they were and what they looked like. My enemy slowly removed their hood. It was a woman, just the gender i wanted.

"Who are you?" i demanded.

The woman had light pink hair, and a custom pink and white kimono. She had a sword in her hand. She responded to me by charging forward, thrusting her blade as she went. I changed into my Heaven's Wheel armor. I analyzed the situation and came to a conclusion that she was too close for me to attack, so i had to block and then attack. I successfully blocked her.

"Dancs, my blades." i chanted. Multiple swords circled me, and then they charged forward. A couple of swords injured her, causing her to lose focus. I used this as an opening and charged forward. She surprisingly jumped high in the air, and cherry blossoms encircled me.

"Cherry blossoms?!" i cried. What was she planning to do?

"Attack!" screamed the lady. My skin was been cut lightly, but everywhere was been scraped. I carefully watched a cherry blossom and saw that they had little blades on them.

"My cherry blossoms do anything that i want them to do!" boasted the lady.

I instantly knew that she uses nature manipulation magic. It was different from wood magic, because wood magic controls things made out of wood and wood itself. Nature manipulation controls leaves, twigs, and all sorts of flowers, and the worst part is that the flowers can can change form, from a sharp sword down to a big and heavy bat.

"You can't dodge these! No one can! Ha! I can finally beat THE Titania!!" she exclaimed. I smirked at her confidence.

"I was actually planning on doing something else....." i trailed off. I changed into my Flame Empress armor. I engulfed the area around me in flames, causing the cherry blossoms to wither and die. I was finally free from the flowers.

"My babies! " The woman cried, as she knelt down and picked up a withered one. She reminds me of Bickslow. I sweat-dropped.

"TITANIA! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!" she screeched. Twigs were being lifted into the air, and then it changed form into a finger sized toothpick. Multiple of them flew towards me, but i burnt them all. As they quickly fell to the floor, i gasped.

She used the twigs as a diversion! She came through the smoke and pointed out her sword. I changed into my Heart Kruez armor and blocked her with my sword. However, she slowly withered away. Another diversion! It was just a bunch of leaves put together!

"Die!" i heard her scream behind me. I turned around quickly. She was sly! She was too close. I tried putting my sword out but it was held by her fake. Vines wrapped around me. She freaking trapped me!

The sword was getting closer. closer. CLOSER.

Blood spilled onto the ground.

It was her blood, not mine. I had successfully ripped out my sword from the fake and thrusted it into her. She fell to the ground. She lost.

"You underestimated me." i murmured. I walked away towards the exit, but stopped to say something to her. She smiled in response as i left the room. I had told her:

" Just believe in yourself. Choose the right path. You chose the path of evil to get stronger, but you met stronger people along the way. There are people even stronger than me. The secret to being strong is not hatred and evil, but friends who care."

Wendy's POV

The person removed ths hood, and i was shocked. It was a boy, around the same height as me but definitely older. He had navy blue eyes, and his hair was a spikey brown. His face held a decent smirk. I shuddered.

" Wendy, you're doubting yourself again!" scolded Charle.

" H-hai!" i nervously said. "Sky Dragon's Roar!"

Wind erupted from my mouth, and flew straight at the enemy. He dodged it, however, i managed to graze him. He flinched and looked at me with deadly eyes.

"My turn now." he said. A strong force of magical energy waved around him, and clasped his hands together.

"You may be a Sky Dragon slayer, but i posses wind magic!" he cried. "Wave of the winds!!"

The air that was swirling around him came straight at me. It went all around me and Charle, and the only opening was above.The winds soon came closing in at a fast pace. At this rate, i would be blown into smitherins all over the room!

"Wendy!" Charle said reassuringly. Her wings grew on her back as she picked me up and put me down away from the winds.

"Sorry, Charle. I was so caught up on everything, i forgot." i apologised.

" Why you little twerp!" shouted the boy, as he came running towards me. A gust of wind took hold of Charle, which meant she couldn't help me.The boy came closer and his right fist had air swirling around it.

" Air death!" i was thrown back across the room. I hit the wall hard, and i slumped to the ground. A familiar voice rang through my head. 'Wendy, don't let yourself be fooled by that air boy, remember what i taught you' said the voice. (AN: reminds me of Airbender.)

"Don't worry Grandine." i whispered.

" Haa? You said something?" said the boy.

"I said......." i trailed off. "Dragon Slayer secret art: Thrust of the skies!" ( pretend that this is one because the other secret art seems wierd.)

The boy flew back and hit the wall, which came crashing down. He coughed out blood. Charle was released. She came flying to me, with a proud look on her face.

I went up to the boy and whispered something, and he scoffed in response. I got up and left the room. I had told him:

" You were defeated because you followed evil. Try harder."


Next chapter: Chapter 9: Rivals with different enemies

Summary: Gray and Natsu have their turn to fight. Find out the killer fights on the next chapter!

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