Chapter 4

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Hey guys! i would like to dedicate this chapter to starryflames! She writes some really awesome books. You should check it out sometime. Just type in these two names:

* Book 1: forbidden love of rivals

* Book 2: clash of rivals

Anyways, i hope you enjoy this chapter. Sting appears here! Yay! I would appreciate any feedback. Arigatou gozaimasu!



Chapter 4: Whispers

Lucy's POV

I woke up to find a peaceful looking Gray sleeping on the sofa. I remembered what happened last night. Just thinking about it gives me the chills. I really can't blame him. It's not his fault. Gray began to stir, and soon awoke. He saw me and smiled a gentle one.

"Lucy, you forgive me, right?" he asked softly. He sounded like he was more likely talking to himself.

"Of course i do! Why would you think that i wouldn't? i really can't blame you. Remember that it is not your fault." i said. Gray smiled again and pulled me in for a hug.

" Hey, wanna go to the guild?" he asked.

"uhhhhh, i don't know. What if....... what if Natsu is there?" i asked nervously. Gray's face changed from happy to a determined face.

" Do not fear, my young maiden, for i, Gray Fullbuster, shall fulfill a great deed to protect you from the terrible fire dragon slayer!" Gray exclaimed, in those heroic voices. I giggled.

"What are you laughing 'bout woman!" said Gray with an amusing hint in his voice. This time, i did not giggle, i laughed instead. Little did i know that we just entered the guild. Everyone turned their heads and looked at us. Their eyes widened like the size of watermelons. Shit, they saw the wrong picture with us. Gray's arm was slung around my neck. I was laughing and he was smirking his ass of.

Gray and i immediately parted each other and stood straight. Many pairs of eyes were staring intently at us. Whispers were being sent back and forth, which kinda scared me. Gray was pulled by Natsu whose eyes looked deadly, and i was pulled in by Juvia, Wendy,Mira, Erza and Levy.

"So?" asked Wendy.

"So what?" i replied.

"What is going on with you and Gray!" exclaimed Levy.

"nothing!" i shouted. It doesn't look like they heard me, because i was now being bombarded with questions.

"How does he kiss?"


" Is he good in bed with love rival?"


"How many dates has it been so far?"


"What! we 're just curious!"

" First off, we are NOT dating! what made you think that?"

"Well, duh! You guys came in like a couple!"

I stood there. Heat was rising to my face at a quick pace. Couple?! Hell no! " We are no couple!"

Let's just say that it took a good whole hour to convince the group. Apparently, i saw Gray and Natsu fighting. It was no surprise, so i went up towards them.

Gray's POV

"Ice pee, what do you think you're doing dating Lucy?!" asked Natsu.

" We are NOT dating. Besides, even if i did, what did that matter to you?" i defended.

"It matters alot! You won't understand!" exclaimed Natsu. His tone of voice was getting angry.

"Natsu, I don't understand why. You have no right to tell him that even after what you did to me!!" said a voice.

Natsu and i turned around to find Lucy there, tears streaming down her face. She turned around and said " I need some time." With that, she ran off.

"Natsu, you should not be caring about her like that because if you did, you would have never said that she was weak! You just can't! It goes way wrong unless........" I trailed off. It finally dawned on me. " like Lucy."

Lucy's POV

That jerk! Who does he think he is! I was sitting on a bench in an almost deserted park. I sobbed quietly.

" Oi, Blondie! You shouldn't be out here by yourself!" exclaimed a somewhat familiar voice. I turned around to find none other than Sting Eucliffe instead. I was shocked and scared. He came closer and sat next to me.

"I remember you. You are that celestial wizard. What's the name..... Ruby, Rudy, Lucky, Lucy! yes! it's Lucy Heartfillia!" he suddenly exclaimed. I brought my head up and his smile disappeared from his face. " What's wrong with you?"

I told him about Natsu, everything that happened from beginning to end. Was it me or did i see THE Sting Eucliffe show sympathy. He pulled me in for one of the biggest hugs i ever got.

" Don't let that jerk bother you! He just chose the wrong girl to mess with!" Sting said. " Don't worry, i won't hurt you."

?????'s POV

An evil man cursed under his breath. He transported back to his master, who was ready to hear the news.

"Master, a new dragon slayer by the name of Sting Eucliffe has made friends with the celestial queen," informed the man.

"WHAT!!" boomed Master Kuros. The halls in which they were in shook by the sound of his voice. " Mestas, it seems we will have to get 'them' to finish off our plans. I am tired of breaking the celestial queen's bonds with clingy people."

"Yes master, as you wish." said Mestas. 'them' will surely finish off the plans, thought the man. Wait, that didn't sound right. Them or they? Master did say them, and I want to say them too, thought the man.

Lucy's POV

We stayed and talked. I was actually surprised because he was smart, funny and cute. Yes, i said he was cute.

"Here, let me walk you home," offered Sting. I nodded. We walked to my apartment and reached the door. I turned around.

"Thank you, very much." i said. "i apprediate it." He came closer to my ear and whispered something seductively in my ear. After that, he winked and walked away. I was stunned. I broke out of my trance and walked inside. i lay down on the bed and started thinking about what happened. I'm guessing that you want to know what he said, right? Well, he said:

" Anything for a cute beauty like you. Just remember that piece."


Next Chapter: Forgiveness with Fiore's scariest wizard

Summary: Lucy forgives Natsu, but she apparently awoke scary Lucy, who is more scaried than Erza and Mirajane. The guild is scared because of Lucy, because she is the same person;She is still kind and sweet, but when you piss her off, things get ugly. Only Master knows why this happened, and he finds it very funny indeed. Find out the details on the next chapter!

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